Moon is nothing but your mood, mother, and her nourishment, sound sleep, and imagination power and in the human body it reorients plasma in blood cells. All the Indian festivals follow the moon like tithi,panchang,muhurat, transit etc and most important sadhe Sati is seen from moon sign. From moon placement, moon sign and which mahadasha you going to face after birth are also decided in Vedic astrology. If your moon is healthy, this will give you a friendly and compassionate nature. mental illness and mood fluctuations also cause by the badly placed moon. Those who don’t believe in astrology also know that the moon is the cause of tide. Water on earth is persistently moving over a vast space, and Moon’s slighter gravitational pull is able to create tides. Therefore, each day, there are two high tides and two low tides.human body too is made up of 70% water and that’s why fluctuations caused by moonlight, like rising in the levels of melatonin, which affected sleep by 20 minutes. An...