
Showing posts from August, 2019

Mars few thoughts

Mars is the first planet when we travel  away from Earth towards the outer planets in the solar system. It is also called Mangal (well being), Kuja, Bhauma or Bhoomiputra (child of the Earth). It is a fiery red planet. It's colour as well as names suggest it's nature. It is a fiery planet and represents will power and drive to attain the chosen goals. It is the passion to excel, to win, to conquer, to achieve, to overcome any and all the obstacles. A person dominated by Mars is always active, busy, restless, trying to achieve his goals all the time. He is hyper competitive. He hates to lose. He loves physically vigorous activities - going to the gym, working out, playing high contact sports like rugby, football, wrestling, boxing, martial arts etc. They are extremely high energy people. It is because of this attitude of always trying to compete and win, that Mars is called the commander among the planets. If you look at the days of the week, it's day comes just a...

why Mercury is such an important planet.

Mercury is called Budh in Sanskrit and stands for 'buddhi' (intellect or intelligence). It signifies logic (all good lawyers and debaters have a strong Mercury), memory, the ability to observe and collect information, understand and communicate what one has understood, to understand what one reads or listens, the effort that one makes to understand something, and overall intelligence in general. It rules two houses, Gemini and Virgo.  The symbol of Gemini is two faces, one looking inward and other facing outward. This represents the ability of Mercury to take in data, make sense of it using contemplation ability (the face turned inward) and then express or communicate it's understanding (the face facing outward) to others. It is because of this unique ability that Mercury is assigned the lordship of the power of oral communication. The inward looking face is also related to the fact that Mercury rules the nervous system. An afflicted Mercury can cause illnesses rel...

astrological reading

I have done personal Astrology reading for many hundreds of individuals and did not charge any of them   and   even   now I wont   charge as I   consider   Astrology as my   hobby   and I never intended to make an income out   of it Overall, so   far I probably did more than 1000 reading for people and my reward was having people return for another reading and informing me how well I did their first reading.   More   over   also have never had anyone come back to me and say I did not do a good reading for them. There was one reading that has been in my memory for many years. A man from a hotel industry came and asked me for a reading. The usual information of birth was given to me and I created   a Birth Chart for him and proceeded to delineate his birth chart. I could see that he was a “professional and his profession pointed to the food industry. I also told him that there is a strong indication that he worke...