astrological reading
I have done personal Astrology reading for many hundreds of individuals
and did not charge any of them and even
now I wont charge as I consider
Astrology as my hobby and I never intended to make an income out of it
Overall, so far I probably did
more than 1000 reading for people and my reward was having people return for
another reading and informing me how well I did their first reading. More over also have never had anyone come back to me and
say I did not do a good reading for them.
There was one reading that has been in my memory for many years. A man from
a hotel industry came and asked me for a reading. The usual information of
birth was given to me and I created a
Birth Chart for him and proceeded to delineate his birth chart. I could see
that he was a “professional and his profession pointed to the food industry. I
also told him that there is a strong indication that he worked around or with food and related
field . He just smiled when I told him that. Then I asked him what areas of his
life he was interested in knowing more . He told me he was very interested in
the environment at his job. He stated he was having difficulty with an
associate at work.
I could see thru the transit chart that there was a strong indication
that there would be some sort of confrontation in about fifteen days and it would, in fact involve his career.
I still had no further detailed information from him. I also told him that he
seems to have an excellent relationship with his superior. There was also an
indication that he had a strong rival at work
The transit chart indicated and I told him “He should do nothing about
the rival.” He looked at me a bit strangely.” I repeated to him that things
would work out excellently if he did nothing, and allow the event to play out
without his input and keep
calm . Then I reiterated that his relationship with his super boss would
be even better after the event. He thanked me and left. I also suggested certain
astrological parihara to be
done by him to smooth
sail these events for
which he readily agreed
.[ Taking about his astrological
chart of this guy Jupiter was placed in good
position and was going
thru Guru mahadasha at
that time of reading but his Rahu was
not placed properly and so was his Mars . there was a tendency for
him to go into fit
of anger and spoil
things at crucial point because of
Rahu / mars ]
Three weeks later he came back to me and asked for another reading. I told him that
I usually wait for two months to do another reading for an individual. He said
he would like another reading anyway. I said Ok.
I brought up his natal information and reiterated what I had said
previously about his career and also stated the event should be over as
per the chart and things should go very smoothly for him.
he explained that he was a asst chief
engineer at a fairly large five star hotel . It seems that his rival[
other engineer] who
was his immediate boss had
interrupted him doing a fairly serious maiantance job . The rival [immediate boss]relieved him of his duties in mid way and took over the maintaence job himself and told him to leave the place . He said that
he became angry and wanted to
shout at his immediate
Boss and throw
resignation letter and walk out , but had remembered my instructions for
him to do nothing during any of these kind of the event, which he did do. He even managed to
go home that day without discussing the event with anyone .The
next day when he came to work, the super boss met him right after arriving and asked him
to discuss something with the him .
When they sat down to discuss things, the super boss immediately brought up the events
of the previous day and wanted to hear
his side of the event. He told the super boss all the details as he remembered ..
Then the boss told him that other supervisers engineers down the
line backed up the event as he
had described it.
His super boss told him that the he
had fired the rival [immidite boss]
and at the end of the discussion he
wanted to know if he was ready to fill
the position that became vacant. The super boss also informed him that he had to go on a trip for two weeks, but that
the he would be sitting down with him
after he got back from the trip to discuss future plans for his role in the hotel
He was delighted at how well the situation turned out. I explained that his super boss really liked his skills and his calm
demeanor.. I also stated that if he continued as he has done, he may even reach
great heights as he was
going thru Jupiter mahadasha
and his Jupiter [Guru] is
placed in a good
position He thanked me, shook my hand and walked out smiling. That made
my day.
Just saying………
Awesome. Bad practioners can bring bad name to a system. A good practitioner enhances the value of the system for larger good - that's you. I have heard people say it is not that everyone who has studied astrology can be good at helping the needy ones astrologically. For that the astrologers needs to have both acumen, intuition and selflessness - you are blessed with them on the strength of your purvapunya. Stay blessed.
ReplyDeleteSir, you are unique, I am fortunate to have known you from our working days in GE since 2002!. Your timely guidance and advise kept me going in rough times, it's this invaluable association that I will cherish for lifetime. Kindly accept my sincere thanks.
ReplyDeletehow can I msg you sir and get a reading plz plz...plz