Mercury is called Budh in Sanskrit and stands for 'buddhi' (intellect or intelligence). It signifies logic (all good lawyers and debaters have a strong Mercury), memory, the ability to observe and collect information, understand and communicate what one has understood, to understand what one reads or listens, the effort that one makes to understand something, and overall intelligence in general. It rules two houses, Gemini and Virgo. The symbol of Gemini is two faces, one looking inward and other facing outward. This represents the ability of Mercury to take in data, make sense of it using contemplation ability (the face turned inward) and then express or communicate it's understanding (the face facing outward) to others. It is because of this unique ability that Mercury is assigned the lordship of the power of oral communication. The inward looking face is also related to the fact that Mercury rules the nervous system. An afflicted Mercury can cause illnesses related ...