best Nakshatra

Which nakshatra is the best in astrology?
If you ask me what is best for travelling - I would say an aeroplane. If you ask me what is best for cooking I would a pressure cooker - or a microwave…no maybe a solar cooker…whatever
The point I am trying to make is that certain things are good at certain areas and not ALL. Similarly when creation got to work the decision was to make a holistic society and find a place for everyone - a doctor, an engineer, a carpenter, an artisan, a cook (chef), a tailor, a teacher etc etc.
not ONE work or ability was placed over the other and society was created on the basis of equality and a choice to be made…a code created with abilities and sensibilities and a free will given to choose - how you do what you are intended to do. So you could be a good police officer or a corrupt one, you could be a good judge or a biased one and so on and so forth.
So for example VENUS Ruled Nakshatras such as Bharani, Purva Phalguni andPurva Ashada represent material prosperity, desire and spiritual liberation respectively.
Now when you get to RAHU - the Rahu Ruled Nakshatras such as Ardra, Swati and Shatabisha represent desire, material prosperity and ambition
Jupiter Ruled Nakshatras such as Punarvasu, Vishaka and Purva Bhadrapada represent prosperity, righteousness and material prosperity.
So if you see not all nakshatras ruled by a so called ‘benefic’ planet such as Jupiter all represent ‘righteousness’ or ‘spirituality’ or ‘higher learning’. Material ambition cuts across alllll benefic planet ruled nakshatras too.
Depending on which nakshatra your lagna lord or your Atmakarka or Amatyakaraka falls the major results come by accordingly. And based on the other planets - if any of the so called malefic ones too such as ‘Mars’ falls in say a Dhanishta nakshatra which is based on material pursuits, gives it an exalted status and makes the native patient, ambitious, goal oriented.
Now compare this with Mars in the spiritual nakshatra of Purva Ashada and Mars there makes a native aggressive, competitive, sports oriented and anoutspoken person.
So to summarize no single nakshatra is a good or bad one. But based on the planetary position in it, it gives results accordingly - sometimes good andsometimes bad.
So rather than holding nakshatras as good or bad, or planets as good or bad or even dashas as good or bad…..we should be looking internally for what we do with these raw materials because thats all they are…..raw materials.
YOU cook up a great meal with them if you can….and if you want.
Rangaraj chakravarthy


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