
Showing posts from February, 2020

LORD SHIVA & Astrology

Indestructible Lord Shiva bestowed his blessings upon the nava-grahas of jyotish that they may preside over the fates of all who are born in this universe. Each one of the planetary deities performed his own separate penance near Lord Shiva’s tapo-bhumi. Mahadeva protected Brihaspati[Venus] by cursing the Moon on amavashya tithi, the day when Lord Chandra stole Tara, the wife of the Deva-guru. To this day those born on amavashya may suffer the pangs of the dark lunar phase due to Tara’s ordeal at the hands of the Moon god. Nonetheless, Shiva is known as Chandrashekhara because he also favors the Moon god by wearing his crescent as the ornament of his head In Vedic Astrology, Shiva is said to be represented by Saturn. Saturn, like Shiva, strips away maya, the veil of illusion and separate self. Saturn takes aim at the imprinting we have experienced around separation consciousness. This imprinting does not represent who we truly are but rather the activity of the ego where it creates...