LORD SHIVA & Astrology

Indestructible Lord Shiva bestowed his blessings upon the nava-grahas of jyotish that they may preside over the fates of all who are born in this universe. Each one of the planetary deities performed his own separate penance near Lord Shiva’s tapo-bhumi. Mahadeva protected Brihaspati[Venus] by cursing the Moon on amavashya tithi, the day when Lord Chandra stole Tara, the wife of the Deva-guru. To this day those born on amavashya may suffer the pangs of the dark lunar phase due to Tara’s ordeal at the hands of the Moon god. Nonetheless, Shiva is known as Chandrashekhara because he also favors the Moon god by wearing his crescent as the ornament of his head
In Vedic Astrology, Shiva is said to be represented by Saturn. Saturn, like Shiva, strips away maya, the veil of illusion and separate self. Saturn takes aim at the imprinting we have experienced around separation consciousness. This imprinting does not represent who we truly are but rather the activity of the ego where it creates identifications and boundaries with the outer world that we have taken on for survival. Above all, the ego fears its annihilation.
Saturn, like Shiva, is a force of destruction and transformation. Each one of us has to be prepared to sacrifice at a moment's notice all attachments to the material, everyday world. The ego places limitations on us and prevents us from seeing reality as it truly is. Men and women have to find the courage to somehow go beyond their limitations. Both Saturn and Shiva give impoverishment and deprivation to humans that they may continue existing, free of the shackles of attachment. Saturn and Shiva deprive us of external actions; instead of reacting to perceived misery, we may take up the inner instruments of action, the jnanendriyas, and use the tools of intellect, discrimination and detachment.
Not only do the devatas adore the favors they receive from Lord Shiva, the demons often approach him knowing him to be Ashutosh, easily pleased. Ravana worshiped Shiva and for that was granted shastric wisdom and knowledge of jyotish. Ravana’s astrological compilation is thought to be the legendary Ravana Samhita. However, this work is mostly lost as much as the mighty Ravana himself was destroyed by Shri Ram. Some pandits have pieced together what they consider what remains of Ravana Samhita, which today popularly called the Lal qu tab or red book.
Even today this book is sort of Bible or Bhagavathgeeta for many astrologers
A few combinations in Vedic astrology reveal blessings of Lord Shiva carried here from a previous birth:
Shiva yoga is formed when the lord of the 5th house (vidya) is in the 9th house (dharma), the lord of the 9th house is in the 10th house (karma), and the lord of 10th house in the 5th house. The result is that the person will be a big trader, a conqueror and commander of armies. He will also possess divine wisdom and will lead a virtuous life.
Hara yoga is an unusual combination that is formed when there are benefics in the 4th, 8th or 9th houses respectively from the lord of the 7th (ruling partners). If the benefic is Jupiter, the result is happiness; the Moon satisfies mental desires; Venus give pleasures and Mercury appeases obsessions. Overall, Hara Yoga gives a fondness for material pleasures and conquest over enemies. In some charts this reveals one who may have supplicated Mahadeva for material benefits and should re-think his priorities (and beg for his devotional blessings) before this human form of life is wasted.
“Actually, Lord Mahadeva is one of the great demigods within this material world. Generally his blessings bestowed on ordinary people mean material happiness. The predominating deity of this material world, Durga, is under the control of Lord Mahadeva, Girisha. Thus Lord Mahadeva can offer anyone any kind of material happiness. Generally people prefer to become devotees of Lord Girish to obtain material happiness, and astrologers do suggest Rudrabisheka and other parihara for few astrological combination in chart
Though the planetary deities, the nava-grahas each seek the blessings of Lord Shiva, as one of the controllers of this material world he quite naturally remains detached from astrology. It is said that once when Lord Siva discovered some astrologers intruding into his personal affairs, he became furious and cursed the astrologers. Since then, due to his wrath, astrologers cannot interpret horoscopes identically and neither can they ever agree with each other on astrological interpretations also they cannot interpret their own astrolgical chart accurately !!.


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