
Purvashadha means “ the former invincible one”, which is reinforced by the symbol of Sagittarius, a benevolent archer. The Nakshatra’s symbol is a fan, indicating power, status, wealth and popularity. Any heroic, uplifting and expansive activities are supported  They are brave and always  face opponents in a compassionate way;  They  do inspire friends or co-workers to achieve something; fight for a cause that they dentify with;  They  forgive any  one who  have  hurt  them  and  they  also  unburden them self  by paying off what they  owe whether materially or spiritually. Purvashadha’s ruling deity is Apah, the goddess of water; the source of life that pervades everywhere on this earth;  they  are good at any activities involving water. Purvashadha is ruled by Venus and it lies within Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Any spiritual or artistic endeavors is  always good : get initiated into a spiritual journey ; visit an ancient site, a museum or an exhibit; They  are  good  at  performance or a speech;
All Nakshatras ruled by Venus have somewhat aggressive aspects, even though people consider Venus as the planet of love and pleasure in general. Different people attribute the aggression to its ruling deity, symbol, myth etc, but in our opinion it is due to the fact the incarnation associated with Venus, Parashurama is an aggressive character.iF aggression  is  channelized  in a postive  way  Sky  is  the  limit
. On the other hand, it is easy to understand why this Nakshatra would be invigorating and enlivening, since it is ruled by Venus and lies in the sign ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter gives abundance and expansion to Venus’ passion.
Who is Purvashada?
You are the invincible warrior of love and spirituality. You love freedom and are full of energy, living your life moment to moment. You have a child like wonder and ability to approach everything with a fresh and pure state of mind. You have an open and clean heart that feels others’ pain like your own. Purvashada means “The Former Invincible One”. You are an ambitious and goal-oriented person who never gives up. Even if you encounter “challenges”, you have fun in overcoming them and often don’t even see them as problems. You find humor in every situation, are able to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes and move on to the next thing. The symbol, “a fan” suggests your desire for glamour, recognition and fame. You love being the center of attention and being praised. However, you stay friendly and relatable, instead of being high up on a pedestal. You also love to share your stories with everyone, which makes you an inspiring and popular figure in society. The presiding deity, Apah, the Goddess of the Water, is said to share similar qualities with Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. You are an artistic soul and you love beautiful things that pervade place and time. You are enduring and forgiving, and you see the parts and reflections of the beautiful divine in everyone. Purvashada is ruled by Venus and lies entirely within Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. It gives you all the great qualities mentioned above, but you could be reckless and too spontaneous without consideration of future results. You can be over expansive and too idealistic, and become obstinate and angry to whoever gives you realistic advice. This leads you to lose sight in your optimism and not know when to give up. You can also be too wrapped up in yourself and insensitive and rude toward others. Keep your passion and unlimited energy in check; invigorate and inspire the world toward goodness!
Sagittarius 13’20” to Sagittarius 26’40”
Meaning: The Former Invincible One
Symbol: A Fan
Deity: Apah (Goddes of Water)
Ruling Planet of the Nakshatra: Venus
Riling Planet of the Sign(s): Jupiter
Special Power:
"Varchograhan shakti" means the power to invigorate. Purvashadha people live life with vigor and inspire those around them.


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