Nakshatra & horoscope
Nakshatras have always been a part of Vedic Astrology. The timing of mahadashas and antardashas of the Vimshottari dasha system which is the most commonly used one to time events in life is purely based on the Moon's nakshatra placement at the time of birth. In fact, the nakshatra in which Moon is placed at the time of birth is itself called the birth star of the native. For all the pujas that are offered for grah shanti (appeasement of the planets) to different deities, the birth star of the native is always required. The deity and the planet that govern the Moon’s nakshatra as well as the other nakshatras that are significantly triggered in a horoscope, are very important for all the vedic pujas conducted for astrological purposes. There are 27 nakshatras with 4 padas or parts of 3°20′ each. Each nakshatra spans 13°20′. The entire zodiac of 360 degrees corresponds to 12 zodiac signs and these 27 nakshatras. One of the most important reasons for 108 being such an important nu...