Relation between planets vs religion ,culture , marriage ,art

Relation between planets vs religion ,culture , marriage ,art Society as a whole undergoes changes from time to time. Cultures, traditions, religions, etc. all change from time to time. And because of that, the overall pattern of life changes too. The fundamental principle in place is that for every groups, specific planets have major say in life. And it is based on the qualities of that planet, resistance, acceptance, struggle or joy come into being. For example, see civilizations as a whole and try and understand how planets come into play. In this scenario it would be interesting to know how planets play role in culture religion and tradition There have been societies which have cherished by the power of the sword. They have expanded by wars and their history can be traced through blood. Most notable religion from middle east and desert country . Because of the action they performe and they way they approach life in general the planets that become important are Mars and Ketu. Hence, the culture of middle-east, and the culture of all the places touched by its expansion have a certain reluctance to art. Beauty is covered up, art is not an important pillar of society and love/romance is not so openly talked about. Which is to say, Venus and all its significations got suppressed due to the dominance of its inimical planets and its opposite qualities. Of course, these are changing rapidly now, and again another shift will be observed. Similarly, the history of Hinduism was based on a Guru-Shishya tradition where knowledge is attained through efforts and studying under a teacher which is then passed on to a student. Scholars were the most reputed and original knowledge/discovery outweighed religious texts/instructions. As can be seen, the society was dominated by Jupiter. And so, India is said to have never invaded any other country. Because here, Mars and Ketu become suppressed. Brihaspati forgave his wife Tara for her affair, and the quality associated with Jupiter is that hushing things up to appear the more generous/wise person. Consequently, in most Indian families, you will find a tendency to hush things up. Be it cheating by a partner, crimes, poor results of your child, or whatever. There is an inherent tendency to keep internal turbulence hidden for a reputed outward projection. Likewise, while art is accepted only until the point that it does not turn sexual. Because while Jupiter and Venus are both creative, sexual indulgance is what separates them. Now, if we talk about countries or societies rather than religion, France is perhaps the most feminine and Venus driven society you can find. Art and love flow in the air. Beauty and body are not hushed up but there is a pretty open approach to love, relationship, intimacy etc. At the same time, Venus is a commander and a warrior. Consequently, France has always been known for having one of the strongest military forces. So you see, based on the history, the growth and the culture of any group; its inherent life patterns can be observed. Based on who you are, where you are from, and how things are around you; your life is traced to a particular pattern and the traits will be visible irrespective of the horoscope. And in fact, the horoscope will give its results only in accordance with those traits. Now, coming back to the primary question, Mercury is the planet of duplicity. Anytime a society, a culture, a city or a country have a dominance of Mercury, it will make it prone to multiplicity. Most of the divorce cases you see today, are not because a marriage fails and the person has had enough. They are because while there is still a need for love, intimacy and relationship; the person has now become monotonous, boring, or unbearable and a change is required. Now, this is so because with the increase of disposable income, increased entertainment options and monotonous life; people are inherently drawn towards more fun, leisure and enjoyment. Hence, the basic tendency is driven by Venus. So duplicity comes in form of multiple marriages and not breaking out of marriage to move towards isolation. Hence, with the given dominance of Venus, Mercury becomes pivotal. Now, given Mercury is important, here is when divorce rates will shoot up: 1. When there is an IT boom in the society/area. 2. When communication and connectivity are the most advanced. These are two fundamental qualities of Mercury that is on the spread today. Communication and computers. As a consequence, here is what happens: 1. Divorce rates go high as soon as communication/connectivity go up or IT sector sees a growth. Detroit, one of the largest cities of the US and also a hub for Fortune 500 companies among others, is the divorce capital of US. It fulfils both the condition. 2. Bangalore, the Indian IT Hub and the busiest city, is the Indian divorce capital. The only deviation form this pattern is the European Union where, despite IT not being the major driver of economy; the divorce rates are still high. That again, is because their primary economic driver is financial services (debt, investment, capital market and brokerage services) which is primarily Mercury driven as well. If you non-Mercurian economies, such as Agriculture driven ones (Brazil, Central African Republic among countries and Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar in India)have some of the lowest divorce rates. Among other countries with lowest divorce rates the trend is: 1. Sychelles: Tourism and Agriculture 2. Egypt: Agriculture, natural gas, tourism, energy 3. Saudi Arabia: Petroleum


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