Rahu in 7th house analysis

Rahu in 7th house /Ketu in 1st house
Rahu is the shadow planet which is very passionate about being the top , being in the elite list and being the limited editions.
He likes to feel privileged , he likes to feel the best.His only regret was that he was born as a Asura and not Deva. He did "Tap" to get what he want but he wasn't given the things he wanted. He had decided that though he is Asura the world will worship him.It is his desires to get the best wherever he goes.
Rahu in the 7th house activates the same desires but in the format of Spouse , partnerships and contracts.
Rahu seeks the best partner here. He will search and try until the Best is not received by him according to his defnitation of BEST .The desires to get the perfect soulmate will not be ended. Rahu also likes to do things in an unorthodox way. As Rahu is Asura , he likes to do the things that way. Rahu will change its format to get what he wants. Rahu will be the deceptive to get what he wants.
Rahu in the 7th house makes the native a person who is searching the partner by whom he can feel privileged , by whom he can gain the higher place in the society , by whom he can enter into the agreement where he will be benefitted. Let's say Rahu gets the partner who satisfies this conditions but Desires never ends. It just finds the other desires.So people with Rahu in 7th house should understand this aspect
Rahu will make the native unsatisfied after sometime of marriage / love. The partner of the person may be the one who is attractive and he/she may also be the person who spends much and very well attached to the material pleasures.
If Rahu in the 7th house Ketu get placed in the First house. Ketu in the first house makes the person feel detached regarding the intelligence and if there is no planets, aspects , the native will be aimless throughout his life except the desire to get a spouse who can give him/her a higher standard of life / society. He usually will be carefree in his life and if his wife is in better position or in govt job that’s all this guy with Rahu in seventh house will stop working .
We can see it in many films especially Bollywood that there are some girls / boys who are dumb but manages to get the spouse who seems pretty much attractive. Well , they all are the Rahu in the 7th house.
After sometime , Rahu will get bored as the partner he found is not the perfect one as per his definition .. Rahu fails to understand that No one is perfect. We have to accept the imperfectness to feel complete.
If there is no other benefic aspects in his chart and only e malefics than the native may face the multiple relationships native will have break in the marriage/relationships.
What I mean to say is If there are benefic aspects and Rahu gets checked by Jupiter / strict Saturn then the desires will be only in mind , It will not materialize. This roller coaster in relation ship ,multiple relationship likely to occur more during Rahu mahadasha , antardasha
Disclaimer - I am not claiming that all the persons with Rahu in the 7th house will cheat on their partners or the everyone who cheats has Rahu in the 7th house. I am just giving generalized prediction based on only and only our friend, Rahu. I am not encouraging people with Rahu in the 7th house to cheat. Kindly treat my answer as a general prediction for Rahu.
This is very general answer and proper answer can be given only after analysis of the birth chart. Apart from Rahu , many things needs to be checked for coming to any conclusion.


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