
Showing posts from September, 2019

Authentic astrologer

. Astrologers are mostly on an ego trip and it is very difficult to find an authentic astrologer. More often than not, you just find people willing to cheat you of your money. You should only trust an astrologer on a case to case basis depending on whether talking to the person makes a difference in your life. Astrology and astrologers cannot collectively be trusted as a community/subject. . If you notice MOST OF the   astrologers are completely incapable of accepting that they don’t know everything in astrology and   they   would   not   have   studied   the   subject   for example . If I say the earth is flat, will you consider me intelligent or stupid? In any subject, you cannot defy the fundamental principles   and   many of   the   astrologers fail   to understand astrology   and   in   fact astrology is   based   on certain   calculation   and   it   has ...

Will Saturn Moon conjunction lead to depression or show the path towards great spiritual development.?

Let us try to understand this question by contemplating first what these two planets represent. Moon is the  manas  and Saturn is  tapas . Saturn wants to control and sublimate it's mind's weakness which gets tempted or influenced easily by distractions (Rahu). It wants this because Saturn is a sanyasi and loves mental-emotional-spiritual purification (Ketu) by going through the fire of tapas. Moon (fickleness or emotional weakness of the mind) is a barrier to this. So, Saturn looks at Moon as it's enemy. Now, normally Moon is unenlightened. It has no discrimination. So, when it looks at Saturn (the strict teacher or authority figure in real life) or is in contact with Saturn where Saturn itself is passive or not able to affect it, then it is not able to realize at first (being innocent) that Saturn is going to curtail his freedom. So it remains neutral to it. But when Saturn starts to influence Moon by imposing it's discipline on it, Moon hates it. That may gi...


Jupiter or Brihaspati is also called the Guru (a philosopher guide and teacher; a Self-realized Master; an enlightened being). According to Indian mythology, he is the eternal guide of the Gods or devas who always helps, protects and guides them in their frequent battles against the demons or asuras. He is the Jagadguru (teacher of the world) who incarnates from time to time in order to restore Dharma (ethical way of life in accordance with the principles of Sanatan Dharma or the eternal religion prescribed by the Vedas). In the role of the Jagadguru, Jupiter is the Lord Vishnu. For example, Lord Krishna, the most famous incarnation of Vishnu, is also revered as the Jagadguru. It is because of this reason that Vishnu is often worshipped on Thursday or Guruvar, the day of the week associated with Jupiter or Guru. As a planet, Jupiter is the ultimate benefic. Jupiter sitting alone in any house normally functions beneficially with respect to the nature of that house. The qualities of...

how effective is Rahu or ketu pooja during its mahadasha or during its influence?

one question that was asked last week was how effective is Rahu or ketu pooja during its mahadasha or during its influence? yes poojas and remedies will to a large extent ward off the effect of Rahu or ketu but one more effective way to counter the Rahu effect is increasing the effect of Jupiter ! When influence of Rahu increases in your life, one needs to work on increasing the properties of Jupiter. In short Jupiter represents stability, positive, intelligence and wisdom. It is a defensive planet that protects us against the low forces and helps us to maintain balance. Now here if I need to talk about Rahu dasha and its impact, it somewhere brings down the property of Jupiter during its time and increasing the effect of Jupiter in a positive will defnitely help in a long run Rahu represents confusion, illusion, delusion, mental distortion, distractions, tendency to waste time, tendency to imagine yourself as superior. And since it also represents high ambitions and desires, s...