Jupiter or Brihaspati is also called the Guru (a philosopher guide and teacher; a Self-realized Master; an enlightened being). According to Indian mythology, he is the eternal guide of the Gods or devas who always helps, protects and guides them in their frequent battles against the demons or asuras. He is the Jagadguru (teacher of the world) who incarnates from time to time in order to restore Dharma (ethical way of life in accordance with the principles of Sanatan Dharma or the eternal religion prescribed by the Vedas). In the role of the Jagadguru, Jupiter is the Lord Vishnu. For example, Lord Krishna, the most famous incarnation of Vishnu, is also revered as the Jagadguru. It is because of this reason that Vishnu is often worshipped on Thursday or Guruvar, the day of the week associated with Jupiter or Guru.
As a planet, Jupiter is the ultimate benefic. Jupiter sitting alone in any house normally functions beneficially with respect to the nature of that house. The qualities of any house that it sits in or aspects get expanded enormously because of its influence. For example, Jupiter aspecting or sitting in the second house makes a man enormously rich, and a wonderfully lucid communicator; in the third house, it makes one extremely courageous and optimistic; in the fourth, it gives one a wonderfully pious mother, love for motherland, huge real estate, good education etc. and similar is the case with other houses. What I have written above is certainly true when Jupiter sits all alone and not influenced by any aspect from any other planet. In case, it is involved with the other planets, we would need to look at the whole horoscope to interpret.
Jupiter is the great protector. I have seen that even when the malefic planets like Rahu, Mars, Saturn etc. give one troubles related to a certain house, an aspect of Jupiter on those planets keeps their evil influence in check. For example, let's say that the Lagnesh or the ascendant lord sits in the sixth house afflicted by Saturn. This indicates a chronic disease to the native. But if Jupiter aspects this combination, the native may suffer from chronic disease but would also ultimately recover with good treatment. Not only that, he would learn a lot about a healthy lifestyle because Jupiter the teacher will help him do so.
Jupiter being the Lord of ninth and twelfth houses in the kalpurush horoscope, is the significator of higher learning, religion, spirituality, spiritual teacher, long distance travel, connection with foreign lands and luck, freedom from debts and Self-realization or moksha (liberation from the cycle of births and deaths). If a strong Jupiter is either placed in or aspects the ninth house, it indicates that the native will travel to many distant lands in his life, would grow a magnanimous view of life, would grow a lot in terms of wisdom, would receive help from the divine whenever needed, would get good guidance from evolved mentors, and he himself would love to teach the higher principles of life to younger ones. Such a person loves knowledge, especially knowledge related to deeper principles of life.
Jupiter also is the significator for children. A well disposed Jupiter blesses one with brilliant, obedient, and lucky children who adore their parent. A strong and well disposed Jupiter also means that one loves children, and loves to play with them and teach them.
Jupiter associated with fifth, seventh or tenth house makes one well known and respected in one's profession. A good and strongly placed Jupiter, especially when it is associated with Moon or Sun, gives one a jovial and optimistic outlook towards life.Being the devguru (teacher of Gods), as an archetype, Jupiter represents deep spiritual wisdom, esoteric knowledge of the eternal principles that govern this Universe (for example, the law of karma), ethical behaviour, benevolence, kindness, healing, a good character, and most importantly, expansion of all the good qualities and things in one's being and life.
To cut a long story short, a well disposed and strong Jupiter in one's horoscope is a blessing from the Divine for leading a lucky life in which one grows a lot in the areas indicated by Jupiter's placement.


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