Authentic astrologer

. Astrologers are mostly on an ego trip and it is very difficult to find an authentic astrologer. More often than not, you just find people willing to cheat you of your money. You should only trust an astrologer on a case to case basis depending on whether talking to the person makes a difference in your life. Astrology and astrologers cannot collectively be trusted as a community/subject.
. If you notice MOST OF the  astrologers are completely incapable of accepting that they don’t know everything in astrology and  they  would  not  have  studied  the  subject  for example . If I say the earth is flat, will you consider me intelligent or stupid? In any subject, you cannot defy the fundamental principles  and  many of  the  astrologers fail  to understand astrology  and  in  fact astrology is  based  on certain  calculation  and  it  has  its  own  base . But in astrology, you can say anything you want. if someone disagrees with you, or shows you proof to the contrary, you can end the argument by saying “You can stick to your method, I will stick to mine.” This is what primarily destroys astrology. No one is ready to see the truth, everyone is happy with their own version of the lie. It doesn’t matter what theory is actually correct, all it matters is that whatever I am following is the ultimate truth even if someone proves otherwise. Most astrologers have an inability to learn or  lack  patience  to  learn the  subject and ultimately just  to conceal their  inadequacy   they act  like  a clairvoyant giving  out  stupid  predictions  which  you  might  have  come  across in  TV or  suggesting the  client  to  perform  yagana yaga  etc  to  fleece  gullible people .

Astrologers rarely have consultancy skills. In a profession dealing with clients, one should know how to talk to a client and how to deal with a question. The objective of an astrologer is to help the client on his path. If the person is going through a turmoil, an astrologer’s word must be supportive and encouraging. If the person is arrogant and proud, an astrologer should be harsh enough to keep them grounded. Predictions only matter in rare situations when you want the other person to trust you and  I  keep  on telling that  it  should  be  done  only  after  analysing  the  chart . But once the person trusts and believes you, being true is not very much  required, Being helpful becomes more important. for  example  You cannot tell a newly  wed person that he’ll get divorced. You have to talk in a way that it doesn't create a mess for them in their life. And this is what astrologers often miss. They don’t know what to say, what not to say and how to help a client.

One  more  important  observation  you  might  have  seen is  most  of  the Astrologers don’t listen. This is the most fundamental problem with astrologers,
. Astrologers never listen to the client, to their actual question, to their actual problem. They either just keep talking themselves, or interrupt you saying they already know what you are going through, or just give predictions/answers absolutely not connected to what you wanted to ask. They even talk irrelevant stuff. If you’re having trouble in your married life, and your question is whether you should work on it or not, they would often dive into what is your strength and weakness as a person or what type of partners you should be with. As to what you should do, they would either avoid talking about it, or just simply say in a definitive way that the relationship will end. Either of these things may be fine, but none of it solves your problem or helps you in what to do in the situation.

There is a simple test to knowing whether someone is a good astrologer or not. First, the astrologer should listen to you, to your problem. Whenever he talks, his words should show that he has heard your problem and his advice is customized to your situation and not vague generalized stuff. He should know and appreciate your situation before he starts talking about it.
Second, talking to an astrologer should be soothing. That is the primary purpose of a consultation. When he give exact predictions, they should be accurate.[This  should  be  done  only  after  analysing birth chart ] But when he talks about the situation and advise you, or suggests a course of action, or gives you a choice rather than an accurate prediction then his words/voice should have a soothing effect on you. Lastly, irrespective of what he said, the conversation should end with your exact query being taken care of.


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