Kritikka Nakshatra

When the Moon is in Krittika:
Krittika is symbolized by an axe or a razor and it is translated as “The Cutter”, signifying its extremely fiery and sharp nature. These  people have  kind of aggressive attitude , competitive, or forceful activities: They  usually  stand their ground and make important decisions;  also they start a new venture  successfully . Krittika is ruled by the Sun and it lies over Aries and Taurus, which are ruled by Mars and Venus respectively. This makes it a great time for any nurturing and fun activities especially if it involves cutting: work on your house (construction or carpentry); . The presiding deity is Agni, the God of Fire. Therefore, any purification activities will be effective now: conduct a fire yajna; purify your body by sweating in the Sun; fast; cut off old ties and habits that no longer serve you etc. Another deity for this Nakshatra is Karttikeya, who is one of Lord Shiva’s sons and the military commander of the demigods. So, any types of militaristic and combative activities are favored. It is not a good day to travel, so be careful when driving! Be bold, get right to the point and let the Sun shine on you!
This Nakshatra’s symbol is an axe and 10 degrees of it lies in the sign Taurus, ruled by Venus. The incarnation associated with Venus is Lord Parasurama, who, with his axe, killed 21 generations of rulers in India.
Who is Krittika?
You are the world’s supreme critic with a keen insight to see through to the truth. As the symbol, an axe suggests, you are someone who cuts through the layers of pretension and exposes what is underneath to the bright sunlight. You are creative and clever, bringing light to matters that are usually invisible. You are a skilled observer of human behavior, and a satiric and humorous commentator who depicts reality. You are likely to succeed in pursuing your dream, because you have a strong drive to achieve your goal and are very good at evaluating yourself objectively. The presiding deity, Agni, signifies the nurturing, fiery and spiritual nature of this Nakshatra. You are like the hearth fire that can give family members and close friends the feeling of protection, warmth and care. You also enjoy interacting with children and taking care of them, and possess a strong desire to be a parent. You have an enormous fire inside you, which you utilize in forms of self-expression or leadership. On one hand, you are an artful person who enjoys comfort and nice things, and on the other hand, you are a spiritual warrior who can tolerate extreme austerity. You are like the other presiding deity, Karttikeya, the commander of the Demigods. From the bottom of your heart, you believe in a higher power and you see life as a purification process to be a better soul. Krittika is ruled by the Sun, and lies over the sign Aries and Taurus, ruled by the Sun and Venus respectively. This combination can make you extremely artistic, but at the same time, opinionated, aggressive and stubborn. You might be overly critical of others or yourself and experience a lack of confidence. You can start looking for someone to fill the hole, and end up in a co-dependant relationship. You are alluring and attractive, but can change your relationships one after another, in search for a new stimulation. One advice for you is not to let the chatter of criticism work negatively in your mind. Be easier on yourself and others and let your fire glow!
Famous People:
As described above, this Nakshatra produces amazing performers, politicians, military and spiritual leaders.. Military leaders who utilized the Sun and Mars energy of this Nakshatra are: George Washington and U. S. Grant, Ascendant in Krittika who are able to burn or nurture depending on circumstances: Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton and Ronald Regan, all Moon in Krittika. A spiritual leader under the influence of this Nakshatra is Pope John Paul II, Sun in Krittika. . We also have a famous writer, Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes, Sun in Krittika. He had created a character who is known for his almost mystical powers of observation. Finally, we have two Vedic Astrologers who have published books and nurtured other Astrologers: Bepin Behari, and James Braha, both Ascendant in Krittika.Even  Swamy  Rama  had ascendant  in  Krittika
Special Power:
"Dahana shakti" means the power to burn or cut away negativities. Krittika People reveal the simple truth by getting rid of everything unnecessary.

Favorable: Famous within their group;respectable leader; attractive appearance;dignified; self-motivated; ambitious; confident; courageous;unshakable determination; goal oriented; materialistic; ability to acquire possessions; great pride in what they do; honors commitment; straight forward; peaceful nature; bright; strong appetite.
Unfavorable: Unstable mind; changeable; vacillating; stubborn; dissatisfied; impatient; responds too strongly to challenges; sets goals or expectations too high; overextends their health with constant activity; nervous; excitable; aggressive; passive-aggressive; difficulties with food and eating; gluttonous; motivated by desire; child-like nature.

sacred Energy /Remedy : Kanjhanaaharam Sri GhatraSundareswarar
The temple which is most significant for Krittika star is located in the village of Kanjhanaaharam, near Mayiladuthurai in Tamil Nadu, India. This shrine is the most auspicious temple for those born under Krittika and they should visit this shrine to make offerings to Lord Shiva.
At this sacred vortex, Lord Shiva appears in the form of Sri Kathra Sundareswarar. The word Kathra translates as "to endure with eminent capability." Lord Shiva was in a state of stillness while performing Kathra Jyoti Yoga. Goddess Parvati offered a golden tender coconut while performing penance which allowed Shiva to attain deep serenity. It was in this deep state of Kathra Jyoti Yoga that Shiva emerged as Sri Kathra Jyoti Peruman and Goddess Parvati arose from the gold tender coconut as Sri Tungabala Sthanambighai. Karthika Sundareswarar has the ability to produce six brilliant lights known as Karthigam light, through which Lord Muruga originated.
The Goddess, Sri Tungabla Sthanambighai, is personified at this sacred temple with the Keera Sathra parrot on her left should. This parrot chants the Vedas and the gives darshan known as Vedmirtha Keeran. It is auspicious for girls of a mature age to receive this darshan before entering marriage. In addition, water from the sacred river Tungabhatra should be used to perform an abhishekam for the Goddess. Those who visit this temple and make offerings can release the negative effects of evil eyes cast upon them as well as appease challenging eighth house planetary transits.
Those born under Krittika star should offer ghee lamps in earthen pots and silk clothes to the poor people at the temple. As the star Krittika gained its brightness at this shrine, offering prayers on the Krittika star day brings prosperity.


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