over coming Rahu effect

When I  was  a student  - whenever I would switch on the news channels - there was more news coverage about Pakistan than India!
You see - the one that creates more noise, more troubles, more pain has the maximum focus! And that is how - RAHU - has been the foremost popular subject of the masses - because - what pains the most - needs more attention - than the one who is making no noise, no trouble, no problems!
FEAR has more following, than FAITH. FEAR sells faster than FAITH! That is the reality of human life - and it has been from the very beginning of time.

RAHU is that FEAR. And so RAHU is the most ‘in-demand’ entity of all planets that you have in your birth chart.
On a deeper level - it is the RAHU-KETU axis that has much to say than that of the rest of the planets. You may have the best RAJ YOGAS and just a malefic touch of RAHU or KETU and all the so-called RAJ YOGAS evaporate!
Somebody asked, “How come RAHU becomes so important - so decisive - so powerful in deciding the course of life?”
For that, you first have to understand RAHU. And to ‘understand’ - you have to go beyond the MIND! As long as you are following your MIND - you may talk - you may read - millions and millions of astrology books and yet you never would ‘self-realize’ - what RAHU is all about!

A Rahu-ish man or woman never understands this. They become MIND. They follow their MIND. And it is this MIND that leads them to many miseries, problems, and troubles. And yet they never realize - until the last moment of their life - they simply keep following the MIND - and the MIND never lets them rest in peace - you know why? Because the nature of the mind is in itself of being restless. The more you follow your mind, the more you become restless - but ‘ignorance’ never lets you realize this truth - and this ‘IGNORANCE’ is RAHU. RAHU is that ‘smoke’ which never lets you ‘see’ through the heart but always compels you to see through the mind and that is where you go on missing the many wonderful truths of life!
Why RAHU becomes so important in the affairs of human beings?
Your existence - your birth in this human form is because of RAHU! This RAHU is your DESIRE. You are born in human form to satisfy your desires! Desire is what brings you back in physical form. And so it is not Jupiter, not Venus, not Moon, not Mars, not Saturn - but solely RAHU that leads you to human birth. This human birth then goes on satisfying the many desires - unfinished ‘businesses’ - so RAHU is the one who drives every human being towards satisfying the desires that simply never end. And so your RAHU (Desires) become the enemy of your ‘self-growth’ - but ironically people don’t get it and so they just keep running behind their desires - thinking that once they get a Mercedes - they can slow down - RAHU (Desire) will let them slow down - but that never happens - after one Mercedes you want one more BMW and then more and more and more and this is how RAHU is - ‘MORE’
And it is this desire of MORE and MORE - is what leads you to the act of SIN. And the greatest irony is that because you are following your MIND, you just never realize this - you are so much engaged in accumulating more and more and more…..
 “.”RAHU is doing ‘TOO MUCH’ - and it is this ‘TOO MUCH’ that makes your life more miserable - more difficult than otherwise.
 To  understand  better  let  us  look  at  few  house where  Rahu  behaves  for  example  in 5th  house RAHU - TOO MUCH of Romance - TOO MANY love affairs - so much so that I have women and men who simply forgot that there is something called ‘marriage’ - they just go on and on and on and then one fine day suddenly they realize that now they should get married - and then marriage rarely becomes a reality!
7th house RAHU - TOO MUCH OF SEX - the man or woman wants more and more sexual relation - and then they simply forgot that there is something called LOVE - and by the time they realize - it is too late! The marriage is already on the verge of breaking.
9th house RAHU - TOO MUCH OF FAKE BELIEF - the man or woman just goes on visiting hundreds of temples, Gods and yet there is no peace within - they simply forgot that GOD is not in the idols but very much within - and by the time they realize - they are already on their death beds.
Rahu  will simply  lead  you  to TOO MUCH  and  now  question  comes  how  to come  out ?
Realising  this  nature  of  Rahu  itself  is  first  step  in  over coming  this  effect
Understanding that indulging  and  going  after  too much  earthly  things  will  add more  Rahu  effect and  key  is adapting  spirituality in  life will lessen the  effect  of  Rahu


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