uttara padrapada Nakshatra

Uttara Bhadrapada is symbolized by the back legs of a Funeral Cot, signifying rest and the spiritual quality of this asterism. Its deity is called Ahir Budhnya, the serpent that resides in the depth of the waters, who is wise and compassionate. This Nakshatra is excellent for all types of positive and peaceful activities. Things begun now will progress steadily and will have good results in the future; start a spiritual practice such as meditation and chanting; look into something that will help your career or life in general; start taking care of your health etc. Uttara Bhadrapada is ruled by Saturn and it lays within Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. It is a great time for making promises or taking vows: sign important contracts; set dates for important events; profess your love or propose marriage; hold or plan wedding. It is also a great time for all things related to land or buildings: Look for a house; Make an offer on a property: open or close escrow; begin construction; plant seeds etc. Positive intentions plus steady progress equals great results!
Strength: Inspiring speaker; good problem-solving ability; attractive; disciplined; compassionate; strictly follows principles; generous; financially successful; tends to make money on their own; economical; charitable; humanitarian; merciful; intelligent; benefits from children; drawn to the unknown; virtuous; happy; wise; love for family; self sacrificing; benefits from gifts or inheritance; defeats enemies; satisfied; service oriented; controls anger; marital happiness; balanced; provides nourishment for others; gives advice.
Weakness: Withdrawn; unenthusiastic; develops long-term enemies or is involved in disputes that take a long time to resolve; over analyzes outcomes; self-centered; financially focused; gossip; lazy; addict; irresponsible; highly emotional.
Professions: Philosopher, writer, teacher, charity work, import or export work, travel industry, religious work, astrologers, yoga and meditation experts, counselor, therapist, healer, tantric practitioner, monk, musician, jobs that require extraordinary abilities, jobs that require little movement, night watchmen, doormen, historians, librarians, people living on inheritance
Famous Uttara Bhadrapadas: Bill Gates, Hilary Clinton, Indira Gandhi
Favorable Activities: Peaceful activities, research, meditation, psychic development, marriage, sexual activity, financial transactions, activities requiring support from others, artistic ventures, treatment of disease, naming children, gardening, construction, good time to make a commitment
Unfavorable Activities: Travel, litigation, facing enemies, speculation, gambling, lending money, quick action, physical movement.
 Remedy /Sacred Energy Vortex: Theeyaththoor Sri Sahasra Lakshmeeswarar Temple
The Sri Sahasra Lakshmeeswarar Temple resonates with the energy of Uttara Bhadrapada star and is located at Theeyaththoor near Pudukkottai in Tamil Nadu, India. Uttara Bhadrapada is composed of three sacred ponds of fire. Goddess Lakshmi gathered fire lotus flowers everyday from Uttara Bhadrapada star. Goddess Lakshmi performed archana with 1008 golden lotus flowers to the Sivalinga at this temple. Lord Shiva manifested as Sri Sahasra (meaning 1000) Lakshmeeswarar at Theeyaththoor.
The darshan of Sri Sahasra Lakshmeeswara Sivalinga can give unexplainable positive effects in a person’s life. The darshan of Goddess Lakshmi brings auspicious benefits of prosperity and graciousness. Those people born under Uttara Bhadrapada star should worship at this temple during their lifetime. Those born under a different star will also benefit by worshiping at this temple. If a person grinds sandalwood with their own hands and then anoints the deities, Sri Sahasra Lakshmeeswarar will grant nobility and can assist with remedies for heat related illnesses. It is also propitious to offer fruit juices or sweets to the poor people at the temple.
The temple at Theeyaththoor is a special place for performing fire rituals. Sri Vinayaka Peruman performed a fire ritual for his marriage ceremony at Theeyaththoor when the fourth waning moon and Uttara Bhadrapada star occurred on the same day (Thilakundha Chaturthi). Performing a fire ritual (homa) on this day has the power to remove obstacles related to finances. It is auspicious for people born under Uttara Bhadrapada to perform a fire ritual at least once in their life.


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