Uttara Phalguni

Who is Uttara Phalguni?
Ascendant or Moon in Uttara Phalguni: Leo 26’40” to Virgo 10’00”
You are an independent and benevolent soul, who is a friend to all. You are an original thinker, straight forward and sincere in expression. Your liberal way of thinking comes from a pure heart and an innate intelligence, and you have the ability to speak and embody truth. You know what true freedom is and that it can only be found within a sustainable structure, which is in line with the Divine. You have absolute confidence in yourself and you are always aware of your own progress. You are fixed on fulfilling your path, yet flexible in your approach, which makes you a truly strong and enduring person within and without. Just like the presiding deity, Aryaman, you are accepting and giving to everyone without any underlying motives. You see everyone under the same light and you are never harsh or vindictive. You are also a very sensible person who understands both good and bad in others and have the special ability to make them more aware of their true selves, just by your association. You never stop contemplating the nature of human beings and the universe, and serve everyone by your intelligence and ability to embody the soul’s light. You are popular, because of your good nature and reliability; you take people’s trust seriously and you always try to live up to the mark. You especially take good care of those close to you and derive strength from meaningful unions and relationships. With your natural discipline and stability, you are able to climb up the ladder of success. Uttara Phalguni is ruled by the Sun and lies within Leo and Virgo, ruled by the Sun and Mercury respectively. This will make you an intelligent leader and a clever communicator, but you can also be cunning and stubborn. With your proud nature, you can be arrogant and egotistical, believing you know the best. Being ruled by the Sun, you could have a hot temper when you get less than what you think you deserve. You also feel the strong need to be surrounded by friends and family and end up being over-giving and co-dependent, which goes against your true nature. Utilize your cool mind and bestow the warm sunshine on all beings!
Famous People:
Walt Disney had his Ascendant in Uttara Phalguni. He was a true original thinker, and created inspirational and uplifting movies teaching the higher truth to children all over the world.
Vidya balan talented  actress  is  born  under  uttara  phalguni  so  is  Anil kapoor 

More  about  uttara  phalguni 

Aryaman, the protector of marriage and friendship and the ruler of patronage and family inheritance. It is a time to be cordial and charitable toward others. Any activities related to home, family and friends will be supported:  Due to the blend of the Sun and Mercury, it will be a great time to work on your career, possibly using social media and promoting yourself. If you have to deal with your boss or the government, you will succeed by acting tactfully and gracefully during this time. This is a great Nakshatra to make promises, take vows or perform sacred ceremonies. Smile, and share your light within!
Aryaman, the presiding deity of this Nakahsatra is the personality who is writing down all your life’s actions for Yamaraja, the judge at the time of death.[ some  call him  chitra gupta ] Just as Aryaman is observing but not making judgments, this Nakshatra gives people the ability to be compassionate and understanding.
Strengths: Ambitious, productive, industrious, popular, benefits from authority figures, effective communicator, dependable, sociable, focused, loves luxury and comfort, able to enjoy life, sharp concentration, liberal but fixed views, prosperous, socially adept, friendly, courageous, endurance, and spiritual advancement.
Weakness: Restless, inconsiderate, egotistical, obstinate, self-absorbed, stubborn, aloof, arrogant, fussy, bossy, critical, puts on a happy smile to cover up anger or sadness, lacks confidence, vain, immoral, ungrateful, resentful, overly concerned with status, gives too
The sacred energy vortex that resonates with the star Uttara Phalguni is located at Idaiyatru Mangalam near Pachchampattu in Tamil Nadu, India. This is one of the most important shrines for people born under Uttara Phalguni star to visit and make offerings during their lifetime.
Uttara Phalguni is a supportive star for occasions of celebration such as marriage. During the auspicious time of wedlock, there is ‘amirtha time’ and only the Siddhas have the secret knowledge of time. The great sage Sri Mangalya Maharishi manifested in the Uttara Phalguni star mandala and knew the significance of amirtha time. During a marriage ceremony at the Idaiyatru Mangalam Sri Mangalyeswarar temple, Sri Mangalya Maharishi would appear with his wife, Mangalee Devi to conduct the thread tying ritual for the wedding. Sri Mangalaya Maharishi performed the thread tying during the marriage ceremony of Saint Agasthiya, Basistha Maharishi and Bhairva Maharishi.
Mangalee Devi, the wife of Sri Mangalya Maharishi, never left the UttaraPhalguni mandala. She chose to remain in the mandala as it provided her with the capacity know to everything. Mangalee Devi always worshiped her husband as her Lord. Many families practice an ancient form of worship for the enhancement of an auspicious marriage. Women who have been blessed with a long married life are invited into a family’s home and offered food. The family offers turmeric, saffron, sarees, blouses, bangles, betel leaves, nuts, a silver toe ring and flowers. Mangalee Devi appears to grant blessings of a favorable marriage during this ceremony.
The divine energies of Lord Shiva at Idaiyatru Mangalam are sacred for Uttara Phalguni star and bestow auspicious blessings for marital life. It is beneficial for those born under Uttara Phalguni to make offerings at this temple. In addition to marriage, those who have leg or foot ailments or discomforts should make offerings to Lord Shiva at this sacred energy vortex to relieve their  pain 


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