planet -intelligence

A single planet is not responsible for the highest intelligence. And a single planet cannot give any result in astrology no matter how powerful or weak it is. Just because a planet is very strongly placed, or very powerful, doesn’t mean it will give its good results. There  are  many  other  aspects  to  be  considered  before we conclude .

Mercury is the first and primary planet of intelligence. It is the planet for early education and basic intelligence. A good IQ and a good understanding. But mercury is not a very benefice planet, it lacks depth and is very shallow in nature. If mercury bestows intelligence, the person looks and appears intelligence, but lacks depth and real understanding.. Mercury is the principle of information. He rejoices in verbalizing, and deftly deals with abstract concepts. People with a strong Mercury love to collect information, the more the better, and to be able to pass it on.
Usually strongly mercurial people prefer just to deliver the information, not to work with it themselves, rather like a postman. And they don’t actually ask themselves whether this information is important or unimportant, valuable or worthless. They just like to share an item of news, or a fact, or an idea, without having to bother unduly about its intrinsic worth. If you meet such a person, you’ll find them very bright and sharp, but the more you talk to him, the more you’ll know that his knowledge and wisdom are not very deep.if it  is  with Jupiter  then it  compliments very  well in that  perticular  House and shine  very  well in life  but  in few  cases this combination may  lead  into  arrogance if  not  taken care .

Jupiter is the second planet for intelligence and the planet for wisdom. It is the planet for scholarly knowledge and in-depth knowledge. But being a benefic and a satvik planet, its knowledge does not overflow. It does not make a very good first impression like mercury. If you meet such a person, he’ll be normal and very simple. But the more you talk to them, the more you’ll appreciate their knowledge and wisdom. Along with Jupiter, Venus also bestows high intelligence. In fact, in reality, Venus is much more wise and intelligent than Jupiter. That is why in the Indian mythological story, when the Devas would be attacked by Asuras, they always had to had to go to Vishnu or Shiva because Shukracharya (Venus) was so accomplished that Brihaspati (Jupiter) would fail to save the Devas on his own.
Moon is the planet for the mind. You just cannot have a good intelligence without a good moon. A good mind is the first step to being observant, calm, good retention power, and stress free. All the ingredients to be able to “learn”. A strong moon makes the person emotionally intelligent. He is calm, in control, observant, aware, and able to focus. Thus he is able to learn and grow.

Saturn (Yes, even if you’re hearing it for the first time), is the fourth planet for intelligence. Saturn is the planet for karma, or efforts. A strong Saturn makes the person hard working and dedicated enough to acquire intelligence and knowledge. It is Saturn and not Jupiter or Mercury that makes one a true scholar of a field. Jupiter just cannot attain the level of Saturn in terms of wisdom. Because Saturn has what Jupiter lacks. Jupiter has ego. When Jupiter or Mercury bestow intelligence, they have that “I know better” attitude. But Saturn has persistence. It never stops learning and thus grows much more.
Mars (and to an extent Sun) are also the planets for intelligence. In the true sense, they’re the planets for energy and so when they associate with any indicator of intelligence, they give strength and life it. This is why Sun with Mercury in a sign is called the “Budha-Aditya yoga” or “Mercury-Sun Conjunction” which according to classical texts bestows great intelligence. Mars also has the same effect.

Rahu and Ketu are occult planets. They grant their intelligence with respect to occult sciences, metaphysics, philosophy etc.
Apart from this, there are houses. The first house is the house of self, which represents the complete individual. Second house is the house of basic intelligence and initial learning. Third house is the house of courage and instructions. Fourth is the house of education and fifth is the house of creation. So these five are the houses that control you “intelligence” (not education) in general.
Now the thing is, if the said planets, are associated with the said house, thy will bestow their qualities. If Jupiter is influencing the first house, it makes the person wise. If mercury influences second, you get to know that he is intelligence with his manner of speech.
If mercury aspects the first, the person is witty and quick to respond and learn, but not very in-depth in his learning habits. Likewise, if Jupiter influences the fourth house, while mercury and moon together influence the 2nd house, the person would turn out to be very intelligent.


  1. As always, brilliant logic underlies every single assertion in Sri. Rangaraja Chakravarthy's blog post.


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