How Saturn effects your career?

what is Saturn?
Saturn is a cold and dark planet which is farthest from the Sun (among the 9 planets in Indian astrology).
According to the Indian mythology, Saturn is known as Karmfal Data, the one who gives you fruits/results of your karmas. Saturn can see your past and present, and defines your future/destiny based on your past actions.
To please Saturn one should simply do good karmas, be responsible and hardworking.
Saturn is the Karka of your 10th house: 10th house in your horoscope represents your career and what you are meant to do in your life.
This was the short intro about Saturn and now moving back to the question.

Let’s say, you are going through your Saturn Mahadasha and you have not yet chosen your field of study or career you wish to pursue.
Saturn is also the lord of your 10th house and hence holds the utmost importance for you in your career.
Most astrologers will suggest you to opt for a field of study or career represented by Saturn.
Saturn is the significator of:
1.       Land and property
2.      Mining
3.      Coal
4.      Lead
5.      Steel and iron industry
6.      Jail
7.      Isolated places
8.      Crematorium.
Saturn is the farthest and coldest planet in the solar system. Saturn represents the poor people and low type of jobs.
1.       Servant
2.      Cleaner
3.      Maid
4.      Sewer cleaner
5.      People who work in the crematorium
6.      Executioner in jail
7.      Ragpicker
8.      Garbage Guy
These are the places of work and careers that are associated with Saturn. Occult and mysticism is also a thing associated with Saturn.
If you feel you have a strong Saturn and you should do something related to what represents then you have the list above.
But what if I tell you that even if you have a strong Saturn, you can get benefit from the Saturn without even getting into the fields represented by Saturn?
If you have a strong and positive Saturn, it is a boon for you. Saturn is that one planet who can make you suffer a lot and when you have a positive Saturn, you can expect fewer problems in your life.
If you have a strong Saturn then it can make you successful in any of these fields:
1.       Business
2.      Real Estate
3.      Politics
4.      Leadership Role
5.      Public Speaking
6.      Body Building
7.      Teaching
8.      Consulting
You must be thinking that most of these things are represented by Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and other planets. How come Saturn can make you successful in these fields?
Saturn can make you very good in any field. Saturn means experience and Saturn represents learning through experience, introspection, and practice.
Saturn represents isolation and separation but a well placed Saturn will show you all the bright side of this world while keeping you attached to your roots. This is the beauty of Saturn.
Unlike the planets like Venus and Rahu who will make you attached to the worldly pleasures.
How to find out which way to go and how Saturn is influencing your career?
First, you need to see if Saturn is positive in your horoscope. If Saturn is not positive in your horoscope then you should see what the other planets are indicating because Saturn will not contribute in your success but will only teach you harsh lessons in life.
A planet is negative when it signifies the 6th, 8th and 12th house. If you are a Leo Ascendant and have a Pisces Saturn. Saturn owns the 6th house and occupies the 8th house.
A planet is positive for the career when it signifies the 10th and 11th house. Aries ascendant Saturn owns 10th and 11th house makes it a good planet for the native.
If you have a strong well placed Saturn then you should interpret and see the direction Saturn is pointing to.
To figure that out you need to see:
1.       Houses signified by the Saturn in your horoscope
2.      Houses signified by the nakshatra lord of Saturn in your horoscope
Example 1: Aries Ascendant, Saturn is in the 10th house occupying the constellation of Mars (Dhanishta nakshatra) and suppose Mars is in own sign too.
Saturn signifies here 10th and 11th. Mars signifies 1 and 8.
Houses signified: 1, 8, 10 and 11
This Saturn indicates success in politics, gain in a leadership role, the sudden rise in career, gain through insurance.
Reason: 10th and 11th houses bring success in career. 1st house is for leadership and politics. 8th house is for insurance and sudden events in life.
A well placed Sun here, like Sun in the 5th house in own sign will further support the native enter into politics because 5th house is the house of politics, leadership and power. The 10th house is administration.
Example 2: Libra Ascendant, Saturn in the 10th house in the sign of Cancer in its own constellation (Pushya Nakshatra)
Saturn signifies here 4th and 5th house due to lordship, and 10th house due to occupancy.
Saturn is in its own constellation, gaining the capacity to give results more strongly.
Houses signified: 4, 5 and 10
Saturn will give success in the field of teaching and education.
Reason: 4th and 5th house are the houses of education. 10th house brings success in career.
The support of Jupiter and Mercury will further enhance these qualities in the native as both Jupiter and Mercury are beneficial planets for education and teaching.
I hope that you are able to understand how Saturn and other planets can shape your life.
These are the things that I have closely observed in my life and the lives of other people. A planet starts showing its effect from the day its time period starts. Sometimes, people change career or entirely change their path or way of living, this happens when there is a major dasha change and the lord of the previous and later dasha indicate something entirely different.
A planet brings its own flavor but the houses signified by the planet clearly indicates the direction or path you will follow. If you have a strong Saturn and your Saturn time period is about to start then instead of searching what Saturn represents look within and you will feel an inclination towards a certain field of education/work and that will lead you to success.
Saturn is that one planet that will ask for a lot of dedication, consistency and hard work but will surely give you success in the long run. Saturn is the most trustworthy planet and a well placed Saturn is a boon.


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