pitra dosha ....

Pitra dosh is a general name for many possible  yogas formed by planets.
 Pitra Dosha is related to 5,9,10th houses.
If any malefic planet…like Saturn , Rahu  or kethu  is posited in the house in conjunction with any other malefic planet, it is termed as Pitra dosha.
Basically Sun signifies father or Pitaa so Sun's affliction by Rahu, Ketu and Saturn by conjunction , opposition or aspect creates Pitra dosha in Horoscope. It can be through Sun-Rahu, Sun-Ketu, Sun-Saturn yoga by conjunction, opposition or aspect.
When this dosha exists, person will have a hereditary differences with father and his own son or progeny. It runs in generation chain so either father or son would be short lived, or they would live separately or they would be sick or they would have big difference of opinion.
Even this would extend to boss in job and other father figures, who would appear as enemy to each other.
This dosha has been present in Scindia clan of Gwalior , where father would not live to see rise of son and would die before age of 60. Just before his death in 2001 plane crash , Madhav Rao Scindia had told Natwar Singh that in his family , father did not survive when son starts career. His father Jiwaji Rao lived for 45 years.
In Gandhi family also it exists ( Firoz -Rajiv-Rahul, Firoz-Sanjay-Varun) .Firoz Gandhi's father died when he was 8 years old. Firoz Gandhi died when his children were just under 18 . Sanjay Gandhi died when Varun Gandhi was a child under age 10 . Rajiv Gandhi died when Rahul was 23. And Rahul has not married so next situation may not arise.
While traditional astrologers would prescribe various Puja and donations , wearing gemstone to    ward off  ill effects  of this  dosha  do not  fall into  this  trap as you all  know   nowadays  it has become  a big  business among so  called  astrologers  to  make  quick  money cashing  on  fear  of the  person  by recommending  various  poojas  
I  usually  recommend following  very  simple solutions   with  very  less  cost  or  for  that  matter no  cost  which  can be  performed 
·         Offer raw milk and black mole brass tree before sunrise on Saturday
·         Worship Lord Shiva with 21 flower on Monday
·         Always respect your elders.
·         Worship your deity regularly
·         Chant Gayatri Mantras
·         Bring the root of the palm tree in Uttara Falguni, Uttara Bhadrapad or Uttrashadha Nakshatra and place it in your  backyard .
·         On no moon night [Amavasy] it is advised that you eat the dinner before sun set.
·         On every no moon night[Amavasya] give food in  the name of Ancestors.
·         Put a picture of your ancestors in the south-wall of the house.
·         Feed  cows  & crows any  birds on Saturdays
The best  practical action in  case  of  pitr dosha is  to  keep  formal relationship with father and seniors and not expecting too  much from such relationship. I discovered many practical , behaviour based methods as per situation of planets , which I prescribe to people  who  come  to  me  for Astrological  advice   to cope up with Pitra dosha and not  to worry   too  much .


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