Astrology as a profession.. analysis

I keep  encountering  questions  like  why  astrologers  are  not  rich ? why  some  of  the  astrologers  act  like  GOD?  they  also  ask  me why  even  though  they  advise  and suggest  parihara to  others  but  still   they  go thru  all sufferings ?
It  is  like  asking  a  doctor even though they treat patients everyday why  they go  thru  illness
Astrology means the study of  affect and effect  of movement of celestial objects on humankind.

In more common words, predicting life events on the basis of planets such as Sun, Moon etc. An astrologer is the one who studies astrology, just as a student studies a subject. Astrology is like a mirror in which one can see his image. Astrologer only helps you so that you can see your image
Astrologers are like any other person in whose lives success will come at the appropriate time, based on the same causal principles which form the basis of astrology even  they  go  thru  ups  and  down in their  lives like  any  other  human being

 Jyotish is a Vedanga. A basis for undertanding the truth as expounded in Vedas. It’s the basis of one’s spiritual journey. It’s Kaal Vidya.. knowledge of time..and space..any real astrologer who has gone even a little bit deeper into  this  science  will hardly be interested in the material gains and will  be  more  intrested in  helping  people over  come their  fears, insecurities which he sees thru their chart. and his counselling to clients will   be  more  satisfying then  making  money  out  of  this  profession `

I  feel Astrology in a broader sense is a tool to understand the purpose of life of an individual or an entity (company , country, organization - yes you can do that! its called Mundane astrology).
Vedic Astrology is based on the paradigm of how HINDU SCRIPTURES look at the COSMOS and LIFE per-se. So there’s the circle of birth, death and re-birth., there’s also the concept of KARMA - which is like the running ledger of your good and bad deeds.

There are 3 kinds of Karma
1. SANCHITA KARMA - the ledger of all accumulated deeds from all past life’s
2. PRARABDHA KARMA - the part of the SANCHITA KARMA that is responsible for the current life and physical body  .[nothing  but part  of sanchita  karam  that  will  pop  out in  present  life based  on  time place  and  circumstances]
3. AGAMI KARMA - is the Karma you create in your current life which will bear fruit in a future life.
essentially when someone is born, Prarabdha Karma has already been activated. In fact Prarabdha karma is what’s responsible for the current birth & current life.
Astrology is the MYSTIC SCIENCE that helps interpret this PRARABDHA KARMA.

Astrology was a something the KINGS of ester years depended on to run and manage their kingdom. Every court had a ASTROLOGER who was so respected that even the King would listen to him. Prediction requests would range from WHEN TO GO TO WAR with an erring neighbor, to when will the next natural disaster (famine, flood, earthquake, flood) hit the kingdom and many more.
It was something limited to ROYALTY.
Over the years this  science has  percolated to the masses  as  well .

Now a good astrologer, if he understands astrology well - will surely understand the concept of KARMA and therefore interpect the  PRARABDHA KARMA of  his  client  by way  of  placement of planets  and  houses  thru   astrological chart and  suggest  suitable  parihara to  tide over  it

In conclusion consider  astrology as any  other profession and  also consider Astrologers  as  any other  normal human beings like you  and  take  his  help  to interpret thru  this science to reach  your  aspired  Goal and stay away  few so  called astrologers , charlatans  who appear on   TV and   act  as  if  they are  sent  by  GOD to  save you  people  and    make  money by  invoking  fears in mind  of  people

Rangaraj chakravarthy


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