how Astrolgy can help ....
astrology can help
us in two ways to realize the purpose of life. First, at a universal level by
explaining to us the purpose, symbology and meaning of each planet and their
mutual relationships; and second, by indicating to us our past life karmas,
current life 'dharma' (our roles, duties and responsibilities),
physical-mental-emotional strengths and weaknesses, our spiritual blind spots,
the likely good times and bad, auspicious directions to further our life
prospects and career, the kind of sins and debts that we have incurred through
past lives' karmas which we need to atone for in order to propitiate the universal
forces in the form of devatas (deities who can be either planetary deities or
deities connected to some or other of these planets) or even people that
connect with us in the form of relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues.
All the relationships in our lives are a continuation of our past lives'
patterns. It can also guide us in the form of the kind of food and living
habits that would suit us by telling us our constitution in terms of the
trigunas (the manner in which the three gunaas of tamas, rajas and sattwa
manifest in us as indicated by our horoscope). It can tell us which planetary
deities need to be propitiated in order to reduce the intensity of our
misfortunes and to gain help in tough times. It can tell us our tridoshic
balance (in terms of vaata, pitta and kapha - the three doshas of the Ayurvedic
system), the illnesses that may afflict us if we do not take care. This
knowledge may further help us in choosing and living a healthier lifestyle. The
horoscope may give us insights into the nature and temperament of our spouse,
mother, father, siblings, bosses at the workplace; also, why we have attracted
people of certain types in our life; what is the nature of the karmic debts
that we need to repay; what are the karmik lessons that we need to learn in
order to grow further as souls or 'jeevas'. Most importantly, the general
developmental lines of our soul's development in this life time. And much much
Our ancient Rishis
gave this gift called Jyotisha (jyoti + isha or light + divine) to give us
divine insight into the general purpose of life, which is moksha or spiritual
liberation, and also the pathway that needs to be travelled to achieve it. Not
only that, we can use our own horoscope to understand our own life's patterns
in order to atone for our karmas, float with them, and ultimately transcend
Now let us look at
each of these nine planetary energies in terms of what they represent at an
universal level. Sun is the atman or spirit soul, the divine spark that is at
the center of our being or existence. Moon is the chitta or the mind substance,
that together with the Sun constitutes the ‘jeevatma’ (jeeva = Moon and atma =
Sun). This 'jeevatma' is us, our subjectivity, our ability to experience life,
our chetana or consciousness. These two being the most important and central
part of us are called the King and the Queen of Vedic Astrology and are
assigned the first two days of the week. Whatever we do, we do for our (Sun +
Moon) happiness. Everything revolves around the happiness of these two factors.
That is why the Sun and the Moon dominate astrology (Sun dominates the Western
astrology through its obsession with Sun sign system and Moon dominates the
Vedic Astrology through its emphasis on Rasi or Moon sign and importance given
to the janma nakshatra or the nakshatra where Moon sits at the time of birth).
Sun, being the
source of life as the atma, is reflected as the free will of the native. It
shows that all of us are spiritual 'kings' in our essence, the eternal
'purushas', the transcendent divine sparks, children of God. It is the basic
reason that karmas accrue to us based on our actions. If we did not have free
will, and were mere puppets in the hands of destiny, then karmik responsibility
would have no meaning. Sun establishes the fact that as 'jeevas', we are
centers of responsible behaviour. It is the factor which ensures that even when
we gain enlightenment, our personality is not extinguished. We can come as
avatars like Vishnu and other enlightened beings do from time to time to
elevate the rest of us.
Moon is our
'chitta’ or mindstuff. Because of all the karmik influences of the past that
are imprinted on it, it becomes our 'manas' or the mind - our emotional nature.
The purpose of life is to purify our Moon so that the Sun's (atma's ) light can
shine without any distortion through it. It is our inner mirror through which
the divine light shines. If we engage in evil or ignorant behaviour, it is not
the Sun's (atma's or God's) fault. God particle or atma just provides the
'light of life', it is the Moon (our mind) that uses it to express life in
terms of thoughts and behaviour according to its nature.
Mars is the egoic
will. The will of the conditioned personality that gets projected through the
conditioned or ignorant Moon. If the Moon were enlightened, the ego (Mars)
would be in constant touch with the divine factor (the Sun or the atma) in us
and it's ‘will’ will always be aligned with the divine will. It is our
inability to understand and execute the divine will that we incur or generate
karma through the wilful actions of Mars or the ego. It is this Mars or the ego
which is demonized in the Indian culture as the great asuras, be they Ravan or
Mahishasur, doesn't matter.
Mercury is the
buddhi or the intellect which the ego (Mars) uses to fulfill it's will which in
turn is activated by the mind's (Moon's) desires. The Mercury factor helps it
to understand the environment, and to manipulate it in order to fulfill it's
desires and attain it's goals.
But an ignorant
buddhi powered by the ignorant ego and the mind, can only create bad karma
which will trap the jeeva deeper and deeper into the clutches of Maya or
delusion (the Rahu - Ketu axis). So, we need the Guru, the divine dispeller of
darkness, the wise Jupiter to train our buddhi in the intricacies of the divine
law (Saturn). By learning 'dharma' at the lotus feet of the Guru, the disciple
(Saturn), cultivates wisdom (Jupiter) and becomes a cultured (Venus) member of
the society.
The cultured Venus
(educated by Jupiter) is a delightful friend or life partner to be with.
His/her company provides joy to all that come in his/her contact. He ensures
that all the friends get their just rewards, all of them enjoy prosperity and
are happy in their lives. He is the life of the party and makes life worth
For living life for
the sake of others (friends),the divine Saturn or Yama releases the 'jeeva'
from the fetters of karma and allows him to pass through the door which he
guards to the eternal shores of liberation or moksha. The 'jeevatma' attains
oneness with its own atma. By doing that, it becomes one with all of existence,
with God, with brahman or the eternal, imperishable TRUTH.
Rahu is vanquished,
and Ketu is fulfilled by drinking the divine nectar or 'amritam' for which it
has craved for millennia through hundreds of births. Rahu and Ketu are unified
in the one Ganapati (gana = people, pati = lord). So, Ganapati means the deity
who is the Lord of ganas. Every enlightened being becomes a Ganapati. That is
why HE is invoked first of all in every puja. He represents our own divine
potential. Sanatan Dharma teaches that there is no point in worshipping any God
unless you are inspired by the blessings of the Gods or deities to awaken the
sleeping God or the 'atman' with in. Tat twam asi. You are Divine. The divine
Lord Ganapati, the Vighneshwara, removes all the obstacles from our path
towards enlightenment if he is happy with us. He is happiest when we recognize
our own sleeping divine potential. That is why we worship him first of all. He
is like our elder brother - our friend, philosopher, helper and guide on the
path - the Sadguru, the fully enlightened Master capable of guiding other
'jeevas' or souls to their true HOME in GOD, their own ATMA
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