Rahu ketu axis

It is also known as “karmic axis". Rahu and karu are respectively the north and south nodes and are always situated in opposite houses in exact positions (degrees).
It is called karmic axis because the location of this axis is primarily decided by native’s past life bhava.
Rahu signifies an insatiable hunger. It is the “head" but without any stomach, so it eats but never gets full. So Rahu in a house signifies an enormous desire for things governed by that house. This happens when a person at the time of death died with a guilt or remorse or unfulfilled desire of not having or not doing something. It manifests as an innate desire for that thing in next life.
Ketu, on the other hand, brings a feeling of withdrawal or saturation. It shows that native have had enough of the things governed by house where ketu is sitting and now it creates a detachment in the mind of the person for those things.

Let  us  look  at  a chart  with  Rahu  in1st  house and  ketu in 7th  house

The chart  shows native having Rahi in 1st house and ketu in 7th house. 1st house governs head, self identity, self interest, self image etc. 7th house governs marriage, relationships, business, court matters etc.
So the person with above karmic axis tends to have inclination about self interest more than interest in relationships with others. This person must have dedicated his/her whole life to others or spouse in previous birth but would have died with regret of not thinking about self enough so he/she was born with this placement, as to compensate for not caring about self and with a feeling of withdrawal when it cones to investing in relationships or business.
This can be predicted for all 12 houses likewise.


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