
Saturn will enter Makar Rashi or Capricorn on 24th January 2020. Lot of speculations have been made and predictions being done. Internet is flooded with such articles and videos on how would this be for Capricorn.

Now let’s look at Sade-Sati. Sade sati is transit of Saturn with respect to Moon in 12th,1st and 2nd house. Let me clear something transit of single planet does not give any result - Sade-Sati is nothing, it is simply over hyped transit of Saturn. While Saturn is transiting, other planets are not on holiday. Single planet, single house neither in horoscope nor in transit have any impact on any event.

Astrology as a science should not be generalized, it defeats the whole purpose. Every horoscope is different and will bear different impact . No , there is no correlation between Sade-Sati and problems faced by the native.

Transit of one planet do not have any impact on any event of life. This is myth and just an over hyped terminology
Any event in life is decided by the planets in Dasha/Bhukti/Antar and transits decide the timing of the event and nothing more, rest is all storytelling.

Astrology as a science is an indicative science and if followed in its true essence will guide you to and show you the correct path in this highly unpredictable life. It is like a GPS to life which tells you to which road to take and which route to avoid. But if you still choose a way which shows a problem then you have opted for a problem.its  your  chosen path

If you know the outcome - either good or bad you can either enhance the outcome  or  decrease its intensity through your right ACTIONS

Rangaraj chakravarthy


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