16 years of Jupiter Mahadasha

The duration of Jupiter Mahadasa is of 16 years. Jupiter is the planet associated with wealth, riches, fortune, spirituality and happiness in married life too. It also represents liver. Benefic placement of Jupiter in the chart means, the native would lead a prosperous life
The planet Jupiter or Guru is perceived to be one of the supremely benefic presence in the Indian astrological arena as it is believed to bring most of the goodness and positive shades to the native’s life. Jupiter is the giver of true wisdom as leading towards prosperity and happiness besides which it bestows the person with the positive strength at core and with respect upon land.
Jupiter or Guru in it's mahadasha makes the person see the right things in the right direction and take the right decisions besides which here the natives would be sincere and honest towards every aspects of life which would take them towards the professional heights and would endow them with financial strength as well. People would emerge wiser in this period or Jupiter or Guru and will attain reverence from the surroundings as leading towards a strong & dominant position.
There would be high peace and persistence from mind to the surrounding in the Jupiter period besides which their would be betterment in all sorts of relations and some good relations with the sovereign people would develop. Happiness and bliss would be a major part of this segment as both at the personal and professional arena. This segment would bring all the goodness to the person while the only indicated problem would be of body aches he/she may face.
During the Jupiter Mahadasha often the native behaves like Juipter. If Jupiter is well placed in his chart, the native would display positive qualities related to Jupiter. E.g. wisdom, optimism, magnanimity. In rare cases where
 Suppose  Jupiter  is  not  well  placed ?
Jupiter is placed in a bad position, it might invite negative qualities of Jupiter like over eating, over reaching, over optimism, sloth, weight gain and rash risk taking leading to more trouble for the native.
Contrary to what people believe the beginning of Jupiter Mahadasha is not good even if Jupiter is to be good. You go through a 2 year period of Jupiter-Jupiter, this period is a extremely difficult period for anyone, it is a interim period and also the intersection point of two major Mahadasha's that being the previous Rahu MD and the new Jupiter MD. In this period you are still in Dasha Sandhi (which is the change over period of two mahadasha's).
Don't expect that the date Jupiter MD started and that being told Jupiter MD will be good that this first initial 2 years will be anything but good.
In this period you are still transitioning and still removing the effects of Rahu, now that Rahu has lost all its directional strength on you and now the astral direction is shifting to Jupiter.
The end of Rahu MD which is Rahu-Mars is a good period especially if you are a Aries/Scorpio ascendant with Mars and Jupiter located well in fact it's a amazing period however this can also be a tough period for many or neutral for some this period is of stabilisation and wonderless is pretty much a mini Mars Mahadasha, however once you cross the Rahu MD end date the transformation begins this is when you move into Jupiter-Jupiter and you start shredding your Rahu MD skin for a Jupiter MD skin.
The good effects of Jupiter will come but only after this Jupiter-Jupiter period and once Rahu’s effects has been removed. This is still a period of unrest, changes and a process of shifting state on your whole life there will be some big changes for the human to go.
However during  good  or  bad   Jupiter Mahadasha if  you  can perform  few things  there  will be  smooth  sailing .
Vedic Remedies for Jupiter
·         Applying turmeric powder or sandalwood blend on your forehead is an effective remedy to soothe Jupiter.  
·         Another possible remedy for Jupiter is to offer bananas and sweets to elderly people and foundlings.
·         You should avoid bathing in al fresco places such as ocean, river etc.
·         Avoiding meat and alcohol also helps lessen the harmful effects of weak Jupiter in horoscope.
·         Before you embark upon a new project or work, make sure to take your parents’ blessings.
·         Donating turmeric to a religious place for eight days continuously also helps in this regard.
·         If you have been unable to seek help from spiritual gurus or are cheated recurrently, practicing meditation can be one of the most effective remedies for Jupiter.  
·         You should also recite vishnu sahasranama stotram.
Lal Kitab Remedies for Jupiter
·         To mitigate Jupiter’s negative influence, you should wear something yellow on your head, like a cap, scarf, or turban.
·         You should also try to wear gold in some way, be it a ring or a chain.
·         You should also consume saffron daily or apply it on naval, throat, forehead, earlobes, and tongue
·         If Jupiter is affecting 11th house of income and gains, it is considered good to use your father’s belongings such as pen, conveyance etc.


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