18 years Rahu dasha

18 long years of Rahu Mahadasha
Before I write about possibilities in 18 year long Rahu Mahadasha , I should describe Rahu . It is a head only planet , has no body to sustain , so all its time and energy is about head , which has input , output organs ( ear, eyes , nose , tongue ) and a brain to process the information .
That is similar to a server computer , which remains busy 24 hours , processing the information . On other side , it has no physical body to execute the decision , found by the brain .
When such planet starts its Mahadasha of 18 years , the person will become more experiment oriented in life . One would try new people , places , jobs , relationship and soon would find them useless and proceed to further new things . Soon , he will collect a lot of experience , with variety and also confused because he has evidence on either side of life .
18 years will be spent on processing the data
In 18 long years , one would have seen both sides of life . Like a scientist , person undergoing Rahu Mahadasha , will collect contrasting experience , where total strangers would have helped him while near and dears and blood relatives may ditch in problem or cheat him . Such events and experience give a new kind of outlook for life .

After Rahu Mahadasha , person has knowledge and expertise on variety of subjects but he does not know how to make use of that . He is clueless about his objectives . Like a data scientist , he has data mine on every aspect of life but does not know how to make use of that through data analytics . 
That is why , person keeps wandering in Rahu period , clueless about his life objectives . He can indulge in weird acts and do non-traditional things , be non-conventional in his actions and thus invite the wrath of establishment . On positive side , this dasha can make a person famous as inventor , entrepreneur or social reformer .
On completion of Rahu period , Jupiter dasha starts and that is the period when experiences gained in Rahu period would be used constructively . Person gets his faith and vision back , wandering stops and stability in life comes back .

The dasha sequence has been set with a logic . Before Rahu , there is Mars period of physical , non-intellectual actions . The Rahu period focusses entirely on intellectual side and Jupiter dasha leads to wisdom , derived from physical actions of Mars period and over intelligence period of Rahu . Such wisdom is to be used in Karma period of Saturn Mahadasha to get final recognition in this world .
Now I am answering if anyone experienced positive changes during Rahu Mahadasha because most people think Rahu does no good in its Mahadasha ??. Not excatly

Every planet’s Mahadasha works like a government scheme which grants something if you comply with its conditions. If you do not comply , you do not get it ,

Rahu Mahadasha requires that you do mental hardwork , associate with new people , bring new solutions to old problems , go to new places . If you continue with old methods, depend upon old , family environment and routine way of doing your job , that is of not much use .
If you try new things adopt new way of working style
learn new way or solution to problem this Rahu dasha will be beneficial and more then any thing else you need to develop enormous patience


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