7 years of Ketu mahadasha

The Ketu Mahadasha starts after the end of Mercury Mahadasha. The length of Ketu Mahadasha is 7 years and it is ruled by Nakshatras Ashwini, Magha, and Moola and hence people born in these nakshatras will start their life in Ketu Mahadasha. People born in Nakshatras ruled by Venus(Bharani, Poorva Falguni, Poorva shadha) may not encounter Ketu Mahadasha in their life as it comes at the end of life span considering 120 years for human beings
Ketu Mahadasha will be challenging only if you go more into material things , material life, material benefits. and talk what ever comes to your mind without patience as KETU is lower part of the body without head [Rahu is upper portion ] Ketu Dasha is not always bad and for everyone, some people become king in Ketu Dasha, settled in their lives in 7 years. Some people become in limelight overnight not notoriously but in a decent way .please note if you go into some thing related to spiritual way of life develop patience then ketu dash will be smooth sail for you
Ketu Mahadasha is about one word “transformation” it co rules the original 8th house and feels comfortable only in Scorpio.
If you read posts about Ketu Mahadasha you read severe negative aspects about it, when in reality Ketu is the only planet that can resurrect your life path (if you go through the M aha Dasha) to do something about your past karma.
We humans are controlled by a system and humans in this system in this Yuga value items that is meaningless in the Grand view. We are reluctant on change and unfortunately don't ever want to take on board and accept our own past karma, then again who wants to when you are so drilled into this materialistic world you are bound to find it difficult especially in a period where you are supposed to assess what's happened in your life and change for better so that you wipe off karma.
I hear sob stories about; marriages broken and loss of wealth etc but these same individuals when you dwell deep into their lives never want to take a step back and asses that they are the ones to blame on this so called karma backlash, because you are the ones in control of your actions.
Let me give you a example of marriage usually that breaks down in Ketu MahaDasha, and what you should do if running through Ketu Mahadasha it's simple: “don't blame others but look at yourself!”look at your past actions and think 100 times before you act
What happens is that up until ketu mahadasha people are moulded by Mercury MahaDasha this is a very long Maha dasha you act and behave a certain way in this Mahadasha most people During the Mahadasha of Mercury the native will get money, wealth, inherited property, knowledge, education and what not. The major period of Mercury will continue for 17 years that will take the native to the apex and suddenly going into ketu will be bit problem if they are not accepting change and more over during Mercury Mahadasha many close friends , family members help the person to decide but during ketu dasha you are left to decide on your own .
For example say let's say you marry in Mercury Mahadasha, prior to marriage you are in your teens/20’s you have a easy life as your parents make decisions for you and your friends makes decision for you and you enjoy life in your 20s friends, you meet a guy in Mercury MD and get married then Ketu hits you next .just imagine
What happens is Ketu removes the veil/blindfold of life trying to take you away from Maya ,it shows the true world it wants you to wipe off karma and the only way to do this is to make you change, you are then forced to transform and are told to transform to not only remove your Mercury Mahadasha status quo but change the way you act /behave. In the past decisions have been made for you, now in marriage you have to make your own decisions (no longer are you harboured by your parents and living a stress free life where decisions are made for you]
, what happens is most people start arguing with their spouse, citing I want to do something I want to do this/that (Ketu's way of pushing action) your spouse now looks at you and thinks suddenly what happened! you are now starting to act without thought and ketu is saying no more can you breeze through life you must do something about your past karma, lessons are being taught/learned and you must deal with them and change.
Now most people can't get it out of their head that life is not always going to be like it the was it was in Mercury mahadasha and best part is rather the worst thing is that they think they can change and others the way they were doing in mercury mahadasha tolerate their mood swings and attitude swings. Long story short the other partner gets annoyed and usually they end up in divorce
Now you see this is about ketu making you change and a wants you to wash away past karma if you sit there and blame others for you own past lives mistakes you end up losing out, the bottom line is developing patience and think 10 times before going into action as ketu does not have head and during this mahadasha people tend to talk without thinking not aware of the consequence and most individuals regret their actions later during this period and it takes them a good several years in Venus mahadasha to understand that they were wrong and they needed to transform.
In Ketu MahaDasha you need to asses your own self, some individuals are lucky that their marriage will sail through only because of understanding partner and that is the reasons why kundali matching is done as a good partner can make you understand your mistakes and how your life in the mercury mahadasha was a hoax and you needed to change. Now if you accept and understand the change is the way forward in this ketu mahadasha and understand your past karma and act with patience as KETU does not have head


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