A Comparative Study of Direct and Retro Jupiter

A Comparative Study of Direct and Retro Jupiter
Let us first discuss about basic or the general characteristics of Jupiter. Jupiter is a Dhana Karaka (signifies wealth), Putra Karaka (signifies progeny), Jnana Karaka (Wisdom) and Bhagya Karaka (Fortune). It makes a native think big. It is a benevolent and generous planet. Jupiter is a planet which makes the native sensitive, understand others feelings, friendly with others, be humble and soft in nature and able to understand other people’s perception.
When Jupiter is beneficially posited in the 6th house, it confers a strong yoga of not having any enemies. All the planetary combinations now-a-days has to be analyzed keeping in mind Desha (Country), Kaala (Time period) and Varthamana (Present scenario).
Jupiter in 6th house if benefic makes the native polite, humble and very detail oriented.
Another basic character of Jupiter is being a Dhana karaka. In most cases when there is a strong and benefic Jupiter placed the native will be bestowed with good wealth and fortune. This wealth would be because of the native's hard work and good family background and not because of his greediness to make wealth, since in the eyes of public it would seem as though he is amassing wealth.
Jupiter being placed in Lagna, 2nd, 10th and 11th would confer Dhana Yoga. The native makes money through different means. For, ex. If placed in the 2nd, Jupiter will give immovable property (landed property, rented property, buildings, etc.).
If it is placed in the lagna, Jupiter will make the person responsible and will make sure that he earns good fortune for his family. If Jupiter is placed in the 11th house, which is also a strong Dhana yoga, will give easy money, like lottery, getting rent from parental property, etc. The native may acquire property from either maternal or paternal sides. Winning money through gambling, betting, etc. can be seen from this position (11th house), but in this case a strong Rahu should be posited along with Jupiter.
Jupiter in its natural behavior would give good children (being the lord of progeny), wisdom, wealth and make the native responsible of his actions.
Now let us see how Jupiter gets transformed when it becomes Retrograde.
A Retro Jupiter will make the person extremely sharp, vigilant, always conscious and aware of his surroundings. A Retro Jupiter will usually act based as per his intelligence rather than his wisdom. This is where the difference between a regular Jupiter and a Retro Jupiter comes into picture. When one acts using only his intelligence which is actually controlled by Budha (Mercury) it is because of the weak Retro Jupiter which will act spontaneously without giving a thought to the Wisdom (acquired by a strong Jupiter).
Jupiter is lord of Wisdom and accumulated experiences and expressions which a person will be continuously doing from the day of his birth. Each planet will be influencing the accumulated knowledge throughout one’s life. These experiences and perceptions buildup into wisdom which becomes a solid platform in forming one’s character after middle age. This will determine whether a person has good or bad discretionary powers. Hence Jupiter is also referred to as a Judge who after considering all fact and situations will pronounce a wise judgment.
A Retro Jupiter does not make the native go out in public. It makes a person introvert but internally the same person would want recognition in society. He would want status, position, respect and name. If there is a strong Retro Jupiter which is positively posited, then the person will be continuously thinking about the betterment of society by making a positive change. In case of a weak Retro Jupiter the person will be after pseudo status and false prestige which would satisfy his ego.
In a regular Jupiter, these wants are absent. A native with a normal strong Jupiter doesn’t have to command respect, but will be given respect by the society due to his good virtues.
In case of acquiring property, a Retro Jupiter will always be uncertain, skeptical and insecure. He would desire to have a lot of property i.e. he would be into amassing wealth. If Jupiter is malefically disposed then the native would also become greedy and miserly in behavior. In this case, Lagna and Lagna lords position is very important. If the lagna is weak and has low bhavabala (house strength) and lagna lord is weak in shadbala then the native with a Retro Jupiter would become jealous, greedy and money and status would be always important to him throughout life.
A Retro Jupiter will always try to push the person out of traditional and customary practices. Ex. There are traditional festivals in each community wherein a person is supposed to behave in a certain way, wear particular set of clothes. A Retro Jupiter will first of all question the occasion itself, it will start asking questions and would finally oppose the festival itself. Until a Retro Jupiter gets logical answers he would not perform any ritual. He would behave rebel to social practices. If this Retro Jupiter is strong and well placed then the native will be revolutionary and will fight to bring changes in the social practices. This revolutionary thinking of a Retro Jupiter person would have to be supported by a strong benefic either with Jupiter or aspecting it and a strong lagna lord favourably posited.
But, if Retro Jupiter is associated with malefic like Saturn, Rahu, weak/debilitated Mercury or Mars, then the above said revolutionary thinker will become a rebellion. A rebel is always a negative person to the society rather than a revolutionist who always thinks about the betterment of the society.
Best example for a revolutionist would be Rajaram Mohan Roy, who fought for widow remarriage in India. It was he who brought a great change in the belief system in Hindus and did protect the position and status of women in India.
A Retro Jupiter will always think out of the box. They will not stick to orthodox rituals which are actually a taboo to the society. They would try to understand the other religions and customs and try to adopt good things from there and try to implement it in their society for the betterment of the people.
There are mixed views, both positives and negatives regarding Regular Jupiter and a Retro Jupiter. But it all depends upon where it is posited and how strong it is posited in the natal chart to determine as to whether the native will be a boon or a bane to the society.
some  one  was  asking  me  if  there  is  any  remedy  for  retrograde Jupiter ? 
answer  is  NO 
No remedies at all. A retrograde Jupiter is not a bad Jupiter or a weak Jupiter. Retrogression is the natural state of a planet. It is not something that makes it give bad results.
Remedies exist when a planet is weak or afflicted. Like suppose you have hurt your right hand and you’re unable to write. You can use medicine for its treatment. That is what a remedy does.
But do you require a cure if you’re left handed? Isn’t it just naturally who you are? Is it a defect or illness to be removed?
Same way, no remedies exist to make a retrograde Jupiter make a direct Jupiter. Both are two very natural and two very different entitied that cannot be imposed on each other.
there  is no specific  remedy for retrogression of Jupiter as  such and  only  understanding the  process and  awareness of  retrogression in  your  chart  will  help  you  to  lead your  life  in  a  better way Remedies are only  needed if it is malefic in nature  and complete  chart  and  its  analysis  is  needed  to  arrive  at conclusion .
 After analyzing  the  chart  if we  find  any thing to  be  done  for  strengthening  the  Jupiter  following  these  will  help  us 
To respect your teachers, gurus , priest of temple etc.
  1. To recite Vishnusahastranama is best remedy to strenghen the Jupiter
  2. To donate articles related to Jupiter i.e turmeric, saffron, yellow cloth etc
  3. If Jupiter is auspicious in chart one may wear yellow Saphhire.


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