7 years of Mars ( mangal) Mahadasha

Mars mahadasha lasts for 7 years.

 Mars in  vedic  astrology  represents our will power, ability to fight, anger, stamina, energy, impulsivity, military, martial arts, sports, conflicts, knife, weapons, sharp objects, fire, cuts & burns. When one goes through the mahadasha of Mars, they tend  to  be far more active than before. There would be a great need to use the body for pleasurable pursuits like sports, yoga, hiking or taking some kind of a training. One finds the need to take action towards their goals. Mars is the warrior within us and he is ready to defend what we believe in. So any unfinished goals we had in the past would suddenly see the light of day. There are possibility of being injured while playing sports, getting small cuts & burns or it can prompt surgery. But, it's not a bad thing because surgery means you might taking care of an alignments that could've become dangerous for you if you never took such actions. There would be great enthusiasm of being a patriot where people even join the military or police force.

It's seen that most fire fighters and policemen have Mars in the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 10th house, which represents battleground houses where one needs to take action as in physical action, fight enemies and rise to a high status of government. Bruce Lee had Mars in the sixth house which led him to become the world's greatest martial artist  so was our  own  Akshay  kumar  who  is  good  in  marttal  art  reached such heights during their  Mars mahadasha.

 Wherever Mars is placed in your horoscope it will suddenly become lit during it's mahadasha period like a light bulb, but not only that, the houses ruled by Mars will also become activated like Aries and scropio . But, there is another factor to consider: nakshatra. During the period of a mahadasha lord, not only the planet and the sign it rules becomes activated, but also the planets sitting in the nakshatra of the mahadasha lord also become activated and alive.

, Mars rules the nakshatra of Mrigshirsha, Chitra and Dhanishta. Any planet sitting in such nakshatra will also become active and provide things related to the house where they are sitting in. This is why our live is never one dimensional, we always experience different aspect of our life during a dasha, this is also because of the concept of antra dasha as well. But Mars usually makes the person bold and gives them will power to take action and risk during the 7 year time period. But judging a dasha is not only seen from the ascendant, but also the moon sign, d9 chart and putting the maha dasha lord as the ascendant.so  many things  to  be  seen before concluding

over  all  during this  Mahadasha there  is  scope  of  carrying  out  outdoor  physical activity   and since  there  is  inherent  energy  associated  with  this  planet  and  during  mars  mahadasha it  is  also  advisible  to  medidate  and   control  anger   and  other  emotions

During Mars [  mangal] Mahadasha  following  remedies can  be  carried  out

Vedic Remedies for Mars
• If you have a weak or malefic Mars in horoscope, donating sweets to religious places close by would be helpful.
• Planting pomegranate tree outside the boundary of home is a great remedy too.
• Feeding a monkey or  feeding fish  is another powerful way to calm Mars in the horoscope.
• Another remedy is to pay a visit to holy places as frequently as possible.
• Reciting Gayatri Mantra or worshipping  f Lord Ganesha is another effective remedy for Mars.
• You should never forget to buy gifts for your female siblings on their birthdays, anniversaries and occasions.
• You should make donations to farmers, military funds and law enforcement units.
• Gifting copper-made objects to friends or any pottery is also helpful.
• Blood donation is one of the best remedies for Mars.
• You could also consider planting an Indian Lilac in your backyard or garden.
you could pour rewari or batasha in flowing water.
People having weak or malefic Mars should also feed cows

Rangaraj chakravarthy


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