vedic Astrology vs Western Astrology

Vedic astrology vs western Astrology
many people keep asking me the difference between vedic astrology vs western astrology

evolution of Astrology and depth:

Western astrologers have rudimentary knowledge of astrology . They have not yet explored it to its potentials because of the western past. The evolution of Christianity and the medieval dominance of Church imposed a lot of restrictions in the west. All forms of fortune-telling and predictions were discarded to make way for the mythical “free-will”. As a result, astrology made itself vague and psychological to survive. And then when Science became the modern conqueror, that vague astrology could not present evidence. Hence the longstanding war between Astrology and Science. On the contrary , most Indian astrological concepts are the backbone of modern science. The same math that gave us the “Rahu and Ketu” gives NASA the timing of eclipses in a year and in fact they call rahu . Ketu as nodal points !!. All pioneers of science in India have been astrologers whose works are the foundation of modern western science as well.
Western astrologers however, lack the math, astronomy, analytical abilities and command over numbers and concepts. Vedic astrology has evolved over millenniums, western astrology is barely a baby in comparison to Vedic astrology .

Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac:

The concept of zodiac signs was to map the earth’s location with respect to fixed stars. The mathematical concept was triangulation and approximation. Instead of regarding individual objects fixed in the sky, why not have them in sectors and approximate their value. Because of the time-lapse in the west due to religious and scientific forces, the concept was lost and gave birth to tropic zodiacs. As a result of the numerous lost celestial objects, western astrologers started to expand the scope of variable once.
Hence, all forms of astrology that evolved kept the visible planets as the variables and approximated everything else in 12 sectors called the 12 signs. A concept similar to what we use in mathematics for approximating very complicated equation. Western astrologers however, when it lost its way and missed out on the approximation, felt the need to include other variables. Which is why they have all types of moons, asteroids, and anything they can find floating in the space. By and by, over a hundred years or more; they’ll reach the sidereal zodiac space when the concept hits their mind. In the mean time, they’ll just run around finding and adding as many objects as they can. When it gets too complicated, they’ll come around.

Communication and Consultancy:

western astrologers can function only on the technical knowledge of astrology Since the knowledge of astrology itself is insufficient, some course or some exposure to psychology, consulting skills etc. is required. Hence, often western astrologers are better able to handle emotional issues. Vedic astrologers however are too absorbed in the technical part of astrology that sensitivity, understanding, counselling is beyond their understanding.
Moreover, whenever you are with a western astrology , 99% of the times it is their counselling skills, and psychological tools that are at work. The planets and astrology work only as a placebo effect. You will not return with a “clearer mind” you will just go back with a lighter one. You will not have gained any strong “insights” in your life or gotten any mysterious information about yourself that you didn’t know. You will just go back with better emotional control, motivation, encouragement, and appreciation you will get everything apart from astrogical fact !!.

Predictive abilities:

Astrology is not a regulated field. You cannot find an authentic astrologers just because he claims to be an authentic one. There are no licenses, there are no regulations, and everyone is free to operate the way they see fit. Hence, verifying whether your astrologers is genuine or not is crucial.
If you go to an astrologer , he would make a prediction and advice a remedy. If the predicition comes true, or the remedy works; you can go back. Its a proof in itself. Vedic astrologers make points that can be observed. They will say things like, a relationships is likely in the next 3 months. There are no ifs and buts about it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, you know it based on certain calculation
Western astrologers as said, talk crap. They’ll tell that your Sun is working as a brand ambassador, Venus is blushing; and you are willing to make sacrifices for the people you love, and that it happens to be the day if sun rises. No matter who you consult. You CAN NOT have a western astrologer give you one single concrete exact, legitimate sentence. Ask him whether you are angry or calm, lazy or hard working, loving or arrogant or anything at all. Give him your details, ask him to just say one intelligent sentence using 5 concrete words for you and he
Confidence and Skills:
When you’re working with a hammer, there are no ifs and buts. If you’re skilled at it, it comes naturally. As a doctor, your hands have mastered surgery and they are perfectly steady. When you visit an expert, their mannerism needs to reflect confidence, clear approach, and they themselves should have no doubt about you. They should be able to talk straight, understand your situation, and address you as an expert rather than keep beating around the bush. For a vedic astrologer, his skill is enough. You ask question and he’ll answer. A good vedic astrologer will even counsel you if need be. But he will take the reigns, you will not be the one leading. Just like you don’t guide a doctor in a surgery but submit completely; a vedic astrologer will take control.
A western astrologer however, cannot take reigns. If you’re having problems in a relationship, if it is abusive, he cannot come up with the words “You need to move away, right now”. A doctor will, a psychiatrist will, a western astrologer will never. Because taking reigns means being responsible as well. If someone agrees to put you on a table and operate on you, it means that he is capable. Otherwise, even if you hand over a surgical knife, the other person’s hands will begin to shake.
Whenever you go to a professional for help, you need to see the person as a higher authority and submit. A doctor cannot save you if you see him as equal and wish to discuss how he will operate. A lawyer will cannot help you if you’re one driving him. A psychologist cannot help you if you don’t listen to them and follow advice. You need to submit to their authority. However, a western astrologer will never take the reigns. Even if you try your best, they will not do anything more than what a friend does, they’ll listen and be compassionate. Maybe tell a few astrological pointers, but nothing concrete.
It is this reason why the western astrology has often been assigned attributes such as “humanistic”, because that inability to take control needs to be addressed in a positive way for business marketing.
Go thru any western astrogical site or so called any popular western astrological book its so rudimentary even a first standard student in India who knows bit of vedic astrology can write better or answer better

This is the typical answer you find in many western Astrological  sites !!

Thanks for asking the question but I need to tell you that following Sun Signs only is not the ideal way to go with astrology. (It is one thing to say that sun-signs are generic, it is an entire different level of joblessness, mediocrity and boredom to keep writing the same answer again and again for thousands of replies. When one doesn’t have content, they repeat to remain active)
Thanks for asking the question, however only one or two planetary positions is not relevant to make a good deduction (again, good point but how utterly jobless in life you need to be to keep answering it for hundreds of questions? Even Siri /Alexa changes her response every now and then)
look at this answer That’s an interesting chart. The combination is similar to that of Mark Twain who said “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” (Even fortune cookies are better at making stuff). Just imagine you go to someone for consultation and they say “your situation seems similar to Shakespeare’s quote “to be or not to be, that is the question” can you really blame science if it negates astrology? No sane man would it
when you dont have stuff or so called solid foundation like vedic astrology you tend to play with English words !!! that is what is happening with western astrology


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