3rd house [ 1 to 7 ,7to12]

he 3rd House the house associated with communication and siblings. Gives us our first indication of mental process.
It is on the basis of awareness of relationship that 'mind' develops.
The first stage of development is The Self, represented by the first house. This phase of development is purely about self awareness! The second house represents the stage of development which places values into the focus. What do we like, what don't we like. We learn about our gifts and talents we gain the ability to accumulate things desired and needed here in this 2nd house. The third stage of development represented by the third house is where we begin to identify the outer self, means to communicate
Conscious objectivity is the foundation of intelligence, and it is rooted in duality and contrast. As the self consciously faces the world and other selves, the instinctual feeling of wholeness of being characterizing organic process is superseded by an increasing feeling of 'divisiveness' produced by an increasing involvement in a myriad of relationships involving ever more numerous facets of being. We call this the foundations of Communication.
The fourth stage (House) provides “roots” grounding a place where we can feel at home, somewhere we meet our family those present and past the stage that gives this new life foundation. Here our Awareness of the siblings we may have found in the third stage, all are a part of a unique relationship which unites around understanding this house and stage of development that now includes ideally a Mother, Father, Sisters or Brothers and an ancestry related to them all. The 4th House.
In the fifth stage of development 5th house, it is here that the awareness of all of these relationships become actualized we begin to fashion our own ideas on how we'd like things to be. We experiment, gain new perspectives learn and experience joy, happiness, and we now become Aware of Life's potentials, opportunities we learn about something we call “LOVE”. Here we develop creative abilities, which in time become procreative. This stage is associated with the Sun itself which is the Luminary which opens all eyes that can see, or brighten the dark thoughts of the mind
The sixth stage (House) is the final stage of this personalized development. Here we learn the methods, tools, and skills which will enable us to obtain a healthy constitution, work on and establish routines that will enable us to achieve the pleasures and experiences we've either inherited or desire to. The evolvement between house(s) 1-6 are obtained through the process of Addition. Once we progress through the preliminary stage of our development we enter the upper hemisphere of the chart.
This 7th stage (House) is known as the house of “Others”. One is Self and Seven is others. Actualized, this is the house of Marriage, and Partnerships which include ourselves and others. Contracts, partnerships, and open enemies, those who openly oppose us or our ideas. In Astrological process these stages are symbolized by a process of addition. Houses 1-7 are functional oppositions. From house(s) 7 through 12 are oppositions formed with the 1st through 6th houses. They represent the cycle of Life which entails numerous relations between self and others.
they all represent a cycle of life which every planet must complete to express its purpose in the life. The two opposite houses are part of the same cycle that began in house one. Houses 1-6 its aspects and transits are all symbolized by a mathematical fundamental “Addition”. The transits through 7-12 are all part of one cyclic process which began in house one.
Astrologically, this means that all progress, after house 6th until the end of the cycle, will be symbolized by a process of division, not addition, of angular values, and the series of aspects thus derived is rooted in the opposition rather than in the conjunction.
From the opposition, the half-way point of the cycle, the circle is divided into thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, sevenths, eighths, and so on. The sequence of aspects is thus: opposition, trine, square, quintile, sextile, septile, octile (or semi-square), novile (or nonagen), decile (or semi-quintile), etc.
. This entire process is derived and symbolized by the third stage of our development which is the third house of the zodiac. to understand the nature of awareness ! One through six house(s) symbolizes the internal development while houses 7 through 12 our awareness! The concept of “other”. This concept takes on form in the seventh house of the zodiac. The opposition to the first house which represents the essential self “Birth”
This is why the Natal chart is most essential to any or all other Astrological conventions. All other houses symbolize our development which began in a vacuum of time then unfolded over a course of Time. The Transits through the remaining eleven houses of the zodiac.
The perception of a good or bad 3rd house is more complex than first perceived. Since the third house is the root of our awareness.


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