good Astrologer

what makes you a good Astrologer ?
To be a good astrologer , one needs good Mercury and Jupiter in the personal chart . Jupiter is for wisdom , honesty , sincerity, intuition , which is a must for making a prediction and providing a possible solution . Mercury is required to prove the predictions using logic, facts , data , past events and finally use of proper language to convey the content to the seeker of prediction .
Therefore , Jupiter provided the content while Mercury provides the packing and marketing , media .
Now there can be 3 kind of astrologers .
First , whose Jupiter is quite strong but Mercury is not that much strong . This astrologer will make good predictions to only those who approach and seek his services in a humble way. Money is not the priority . These astrologers may be doing part time practice and would not go for full time commercial practice .
[Jupiter gives you knowledge but lack of Mercury influence will restrict them to go all out on communication ,marketing &,propaganda etc ]
The next type of astrologer may be having weak Jupiter , so he would be missing the correct prediction most of the time but he will try to suppress this weakness by indulging in big publicity and propaganda . Such astrologers believe that new clients will make up for loss of returning clients due to failed predictions . They take astrology as full time enterprise with large office , advertising in newspapers , internet and social media .
They hire publicity agencies and invest in advertising , throng social media , and TV channels
The last type of astrologer is a rarity , who may have a fine balance of Jupiter and Mercury . Dr B V Raman, Sh K.N. Rao and many such old style astrologers fall in this category , who have predicted and written timeless books .
quite a few so called celebrity astrologers[ Mercury dominant and weak Jupiter ]] and one of them who passed out quite recently , you might have seen him predicting on Television since 1990 . I never saw any serious researched based book on astrology from him except annual forecast pocket books published in his name . He is at most remembered as media ( TV) friendly , celebrity focused astrologer , who operates as an astrological entrepreneur
Many astrologers who have mercury dominant in their chart uses western astrology , which is inherently a weak predictive system with lot of jazzy words as compared to Jyotish system . quite often , they mix the two systems arbitrarily and never provides basis of their predictions . So,in most of their cases predictions go wrong and finally bring bad name to Astrological science


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