jupiter in 7th house

Some one was asking me that even though you call Jupiter (Guru)as the most benevolent planet amongst all the celestial bodies but why it is considered as badly placed in 7th house ?.
. My answer is Jupiter Just because it is considered as benevolent planet, don’t expect it to give you all the things of house. It occupies !
Jupiter or for that matter any planet will give its full result if the house is favorable to its core strength .
Let me explain
. There is a term in astrology called called : Kaarko bhava naasha.
Karoka bhaba naasha, mean if the planet holds the karakatwya of the house and sits in the house which is not aligning with the core strength of the planet then it hinders the expected results,
For example 12th house is usually considered as spiritual house that means that house helps you to attain or go in the path of spiritual life
Suppse you find Ketu in that house then definitely it will help you to go into the path of spiritual life ,in a way the house is in perfect tandem with the planet
But for exampleSaturn is karaka for 8th and 12th house. So if he sits in these houses then it hiders the result, or the expected results will be denied
Same way let us take example of Jupiter and where it acts as karaka .
When you think of Jupiter what comes to your mind ?what are its core strength?
He is epitome of knowledge learning .religious etc etc
Let's assume, Jupiter is sitting in 7th house. What is 7th house in astrology?
. 7th house is of our union with spouse, union basically physical relationship or sex as per 7th house significance. 7th house is also the union with business partner it can be spouse as well. How do you expect Jupiter to give results in this house as per the attribute of that house ? if you see Venus in 7th house then it will give the desired result but not Jupiter
, Jupiter is satvic planet who don't like sexual union, he's above this. So this 7th house Jupiter will affect your sexual life by not being indulgent in sexual union, may affect you married life somehow but at the same time if you look at in a different perspective it will give you obedient, benevolent and understanding business partners be it spouse or someone else
Your social dealing will be quite smart and reputed because 7th house also deals with public dealing.so by looking at the house dynamics and core strength of the planet we can conclude and learn lot about yourself and your suggested path as per astrology
Similarly in 9th house, Jupiter will make you epitome of knowledge, learning and very religious. You will be a learned person who will believe in religious activities and deeds
So Jupiter placed in 9th house will make you knowledgeable ,learned ., Religious etc on the flip side 9th house Jupiter can also make you egoist to those who are elderly to you because 9th house is the house of Guru's, father or father like figures. You will think like you are most learned, spiritual and religious person then you may tend to disrespect others .
Conclusion : So Jupiter or for that matter any planet has its own core strength and each house has its own dynamics and we need to look at in totality to arrive at conclusion


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