
Predictions are as accurate as the astrologer’s past record. It also depends on how you ask a question and how you use their advice.
A great Zen saying goes, “Answers are only important when you ask the right question.”
Few months back I was discussing regarding Astrology with few of my friends in a social gathering at that place there was this lady who started to express her views saying that astrology is crap and doesn't work and its waste of time to consult astrologers !!
later on I Found out that She had a husband who was suffering from some chronic disorder. The astrologers she consulted had suggested remedies which didn't work out and he died ultimately that is why vengeance against Astrologers and astrological science !!.
During that discussion , a few people opined that she is pretty right and it is sad that astrologers were fooling people. But then, my question (with due respect to her loss) at the issue is, even the doctors failed to save her husband despite the best treatment. Do you then stop believing in medical science?
Astrologers, doctors, lawyers are all said to “practice” their profession. Unlike engineers and teachers, we're not experts
. A lawyer cannot win you every case if your case itself is weak. A doctor cannot heal you if you're sick beyond help. Same way, an astrologer cannot predict and cure everything all he can do is to suggest best alterative solutions for your problems .
It really depends on how you use astrology that defines how effective it is. If you pay someone thousands for a life report, it wont work. Do you go to a doctor and say, “Hey, can you diagnose and analyse what all diseases I'll suffer in the next 30 years?”
At such a question, what will a doctor say? He would probably tell you that you have borderline cholesterol and so in the future you must be careful about heart related issues. Same way, a life report will say that your marriage would be average and career would be average or good. Thats it! No matter how many flowery words someone uses, that would be the summary with no additional clues. Probably some vague timelines but they wont happen the way they're predicted.
The more specific you can get about your query, the more precise and accurate the answer can be. If you ask me how your career in life is going to be, I'll say average. In a thousand words I'll simply say that it is average. I’m a writer, so I can chip in pages after pages taking cues from economic and social situations saying that your career is average. You will feel quite impressed by it but it won’t be of any value.
But if you ask that you're willing to change your job, I can tell you that it would happen after 6 months. If you ask me about a court case, I can tell you what is likely to happen and whether it will happen quickly or take time what are the remedies to be performed to make it happen . I can diagnose what type of ailments you would have, but I am not a doctor that you can treat my diagnosis as the correct one. I can tell you about likely businesses you will succeed in, but I am not an economist that I can predict for sure that you should do a particular business only for growth.
I'm not saying that astrologers, given all of this are always right. No professional ever has a 100% success rate. No lawyer, no doctor. Those who claim have just found a way to hide their failures or have been extremely lucky.
So basically, it depends on you. Is your astrologer an amateur who has read one book only and is talking like a god? Then you shouldn't believe him.
Are you someone who asks him what color of shirt to wear? If yes, then tou're the insane one and predictions you ask for are those that would never come true.
Do you ask him for a life report of next 20 years and want his analysis of every year to come true without him knowing the context of life in the coming 20 years? Then the predictions won't be true.
If you're specific about what you want to ask, if the astrologer knows your life context and situation, if he knows the social situation, he is not an amateur looking to impress the clients and is well read in astrology with previous experience, then more than 90% of his predictions would come true
Horoscope of every person is just like a machine or computer specification.
Just as specification shows the working limits of a machine or a system , under which the performance of the machine would be optimum , and violation of which will make machine / system malfunction or make it dysfunctional , same way every horoscope tells strength , weakness of that person .
We need to strive to work as per those hidden strengths , avoid the exposure to those environments where our weak points will doom us .
Horoscope via ascendant , Moon sign , other strong planetary combination reveal so many information which we can use to find our success Mantra . Incoming Mahadasha changes , transits of Saturn and Jupiter present ever changing scenario of threats and opportunities which we can use for improving our prospects in future .
Behaviour Astrology is nothing but aligned to strong points of Horoscope and avoiding the habits creating weak personality studying a horoscope of a person with respect to his past behaviour and suggest changes required to make the habits and behaviour as per dasha planetary moment etc
Behavioural astrologer would see your horoscope , ask about your past actions , habits , tendencies and thus can see where the destiny is headed. It is like a doctor looking at Liver Profile Report of patient and telling that person is habitual drinker , very well knows the destiny. Here current behaviour suggests the death if there is no change in lifestyle of patient.
If solution is to be found , the current behaviour / habit of drinking needs to be stopped , detoxification action is needed to reverse the default of death due to liver failure . No gemstone or Mantra remedy would work unless habit of drinking is removed .
Astrology or horoscope can tell good and difficult time periods just like rainy season or drought seasons . But even good time will deliver after some action , so our behaviour or mindset becomes most important factor in our destiny .
Behavioral Astrology prescribes practical suggestions , actions , modifications as per person’s current living along with traditional remedies of gemstones and other remedies which are prescribed in lalkitab and other vedic astrological methods yes , of course we need to take help from other disciplines like psychology , medicine , technology or inner faith .


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