saturn &sun

other day some one asked me as per mythological story in Astrology why SUN [surya] hates Saturn[shani] even though he suppose to be his own son
In astrology, Sun represents the soul and Saturn represents fate. Soul's deepest desire is to know itself which is called Self-realization, but Saturn prevents it by making the embodied soul first repay it's karmik debt by taking birth on the earthy plane.Saturn clearly says you need to pay for the act you have done and there is no escape from it
so Everything that is fated to happen in life is represented by Saturn as he is like the Chief Justice for incarnated souls. Without serving the sentence meted out to it by Saturn, an incarnated soul (Sun) cannot become liberated. This is the main reason why they are treated as enemies.
In mythology Saturn is supposed to be born by the union of Sun with Chhaya (shadow, represented by the Rahu-Ketu axis in Vedic Astrology). Sun himself is so gloriously handsome while Saturn was dark, ugly and lame at birth. Sun was expecting a handsome child like himself. So, he could not accept Saturn as his own son as he was so ugly. This rejection by his father has caused Saturn to hate his father ever since.
Now let us look at this myth more deeply. Sun is the soul and Chhaya is the shadow caste by the embodied soul's (jeeva's) ‘karma’. So, Sun's marriage with Chhaya represents the soul's attachment to its own baggage in the form of 'karma’. This gives birth to the ego - the false self, which is often represented as the demon in Indian mythology. So, Saturn is the result of Sun's or soul's identification with the ego (Rahu-Ketu axis). Obviously, it is going to be a very tense relationship. If the soul were to dis identify with the ego, it will realize it's own essence, which in turn would kill the ego and it's child, the Saturn. So, in order to protect himself and his mother, Chhaya, Saturn binds the soul Sun in the fetters of karma. Though Sun is the king among the planets, Saturn makes him believe that he is a commoner, a slave, subject to laws of karma. Saturn prevents Sun from liberation or Self-realization.
In life, Saturn represents a person's habitual ways of thinking and living. All of us are prisoners of our past in the form of the habitual tendencies that have grafted themselves deeply into our subconscious minds. Thus, all of us (glorious souls or 'Sun') are imprisoned by the Saturn - our past. That is the real meaning of this mythological story


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