Solar eclipse
21st JUNE
Before writing on
solar eclipse I would
suggest everyone to treat
this as any
other day but with
few changes which suggest at the
end of this article on this
day and not to
panic as if
world will come
to a end !!
Solar eclipse will start at
9:15 am on June 21 as per Indian Standard Timing (IST). This year the
eclipse will go on for a period of six hours and the full eclipse will start
from 10:17 am (IST) and the maximum eclipse will occur at 12:10 pm. It will end
by 3:04 pm and the full eclipse will be visible until 2:02 pm (IST). However,
the local times are just indications of when the eclipse will begin, peak and
end for the world, and it is not necessary that one will be able to see the
eclipse directly from Delhi. However, the timings are accurate for viewing the
eclipse via a live webcam especially if it is not visible locally.
this is
how it moves
across globe

solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.
Usually, there are two eclipses in a row, but other times, there
are three during the same eclipse season.
The moon disappears in the sky during Amavasya and a solar eclipse
always happens during Amavasya (No moon) while a Lunar eclipse always happens
during Purnima (full moon).
An annular
solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth but
doesn't cover the former completely, leaving the sun's visible outer edges to
appear as a ‘ring of fire’Mercury ruled eclipse indicates
communication, market place, elementary education, transport and relations with
neighbouring countries. Mercury rules the media, periodicals, intelligence
gathering, the press and messengers, including mail workers. It also signifies
youth, secretaries, merchants, teachers, travelers, gossips and thieves. The
energy of Mercury in Gemini is that of movement, versatility and
variability. Added to mercury
being the presiding planet
for Gemini During the solar eclipse Mercury transits
through Gemini in retrograde mode. Besides, Mars transiting in last of water
sign Pisces has an eye over the eclipse. Mars is action oriented a real
fighter; therefore Mars often initiates dynamic events related to this eclipse.
Mars is around four degree apart from mighty Sun. In view of
this, effect of this solar is to be observed in coming few days. Gemini is a
dual nature air sign, viewing there may be heavy rains in some part, at the
same there will crisis of water in some parts. With Mercury retrograde,
communication and transport get For benefit
of layman who is wondering
what is Mrugashira ,
Mercury [Buddha] . Mars has to do
with this eclipse
let me brief you to bring clarity regarding this

The above chart shows the complete
picture of placement of planets , nakshatras in twelve
house like Aries , Taurus Gemini etc ......Each house contains three Nakshatras which
are ruled by specific grahas [ planet] and each
house is also ruled by
specific grahas
So there is
lord for nakshatra
and lord for
house !!
Now these planets like
sun moon ,Jupiter etc move
around this chart and each having
its time limit
to pass thru the houses
It happens so
on 21st june sun
and the moon passes
thru Gemini and eclipse occurs
It is passing
thru Mrugashira and
to a extent Adra nakshatra

If you look at the above chart planet Lord for
Gemini is Mercury [
connected to communication etc and Mrugashira
is ruled by Mars !!
solar eclipse is happening in the nakshatra of Mrigashira which is all
searching. Mars is the ruler of this Nakshatra which makes the search more
active. People are on the road and streets rallying for peace trying to find an
answer to injustice. Pathways and roads come under the domain of this
translates into “Deer’s head” and the symbol of this nakshatra is also a
“deer”. The deer keeps searching for the scent everywhere not knowing that it
is coming from within itself, similarly this asterism sends us on an endless
search and unless the search is directed inwards it is not going to get
deer symbolism emphasizes gentleness and meekness, that even in the toughest
and most challenging times of your life, you can still be gentle and kind. It
also teaches us that violence is not the way to win arguments and that is one
of the biggest lessons for the planet Mars. But just like the deer that
raises to the occasion to defend itself from predators, there is an inherent
defense mechanism in this asterism. So it is better not to get into any
kind of argument during this time.
the forest deers are always on the move which signifies restlessness that is
why it is important to channel the Mrigashira energy and give it a definite
path to follow otherwise it could become overwhelming.Heightened Suspicion is
possible in this nakshatra and Eclipses in this nakshatra can cause a lot of
suspicion in personal life and in world events. Be attentive to the needs of
your loved ones and support them during this time. Do not jump to conclusions
about something, just know that you do not have the capability to make a
well-informed decision or conclusion at this time.
not remain fixated on your opinions during this time. Be open to see life from
a different perspective. The more you allow yourself to see beyond your own
impressions and opinions the more you will feel at ease. Otherwise, one thing
will lead to another and you can end up being in complete disharmony with your
own self and with others.
Since the eclipse is happening
in this nakshatra avoid all kinds of road as
far as possible during this period. Do not venture out until and unless it
is absolutely necessary. Fickleness is another important aspect of
this nakshatra, so any decision you make during this time could be subject to changes
after the eclipse is over. So be aware of that.
Mrigashira’s unique quality is to
grasp information effortlessly. So you can use this time to learn hidden
sciences (8th house) like Ayurveda, astrology, numerology, and palmistry..
or the Moon is the deity of Mrigashira Nakshatra. So you can
listen to vishnusahara nama during this eclipse which
will calm your
nerves . Goddess Parvati (the consort of Lord Shiva) is also considered
as the deity of this Nakshatra, so we can invoke her energy by chanting her
mantra during this time. The mantra can
be found in in you tube Since Mars
is involved in this
eclipse chanting Hanuman
chalisa is advisable for
everyone to subdued heightened
emotional tides due to Moon Generally for
every one during this Solar eclipse is a powerful time
for meditation, contemplation, prayers, mantras, japa, and other spiritual
practices. It is wise to look within and tune yourself to spiritual vibrations
and avoid any materialistic pursuits like moving to a new home, getting
married, romantic proposals, asking favors from higher officials, financial
transactions, high-value purchases, investments, etc.
This solar eclipse happens with the conjunction of Rāhu which indicates
the journey from the outer to the inner realm for the benefit of the outer
realm. Do not surround yourself with people who are negative during the
time of eclipses. Associate yourself with people who are vibrant and
positive. Do not feel any “Lack” in your life. The
energies during the eclipse are very strong, so feel positive and grateful for
everything you have and stop your complaining mind with Japa, meditation, and
spiritual sadhana. It is advisable to eat
early morning [very light breakfast ] and wait
till Eclispe moves out . This
only helps you to
activate your mind
and diverting towards spiritual path [if
you thing this is
bakwass and superstious please
go ahead and
have full fledge breakfast !!]
If you are looking for prosperity in your life,
then the eclipse is the perfect time to align with prosperity instead of
focusing our attention on what we do not have.
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