twelve houses
There are twelve houses in the birth chart and there is a zodiac in every house. All the houses of the horoscope are related to some area of life. Grahas or the planet once it occupies these houses will act as per the characteristics of the particular house for example let us take first house it is called as as your body your nature body strength , your qualities suppose Mars is present in first house at the time of birth then Mars is considered as fierce planet , dynamic , blood colour , pushy character etc then usually the person will be dynamic fierce wants always action then the best job suited is Army . police , or some such thing where action is required .Yes just because of one planet says Mars in first house we cannot conclude as we need to see the entire chart but this will give you a glimpse or the first step in analyzing his chart The first house is called body, second wealth, third brother, fourth mother, fifth son, sixth Enemy, seventh marriage, eighth age, ninth relig...